<p>Well, I don’t think Oberlin is a fit in any way; sounds like it’s pretty impossible to get into anyways. Lawrence would not be a good fit, either. My son wants a school that is balanced rather than decidedly liberal or conservative. I think I mentioned that, though we’re Christians, he said he didn’t want to attend a Christian college. Yet, neither does he want one where everyone but him is liberal. (He’s pretty libertarian and socially conservative) I like diversity of thought and background and I think he does, too.</p>
<p>I think we’re ok with the list of schools we have at the moment. He originally liked the idea of more rural, but I think being in a place with good medical care is important, so I feel like suburban, or at least a town with a good med school would be more ideal.</p>
<p>We looked at Gordon but they don’t have enough scholarships even for top students. I do know Belmont is Christian, but I also know a kid who went there for a semester or year and came home with stories of kids getting kicked out for drinking and drugs, so I never assume Christian means insulated.</p>
<p>For now, I think he’ll stick with the California schools, a few reachy reach schools around the country with good offering of liberals arts, music, engineering, design, etc., and possibly some colleges with music schools attached to them.</p>
<p>I’ll be very curious about what the bassist we know says about UCSD.</p>
<p>So, are these lessons with teachers ever inexpensive? Free? I realize that our budget is very tight. My husband is currently on disability and the transmission went out on our 2005 Focus, so all savings is gone. I guess I could ask my dad to help out. How do you approach teachers? Do you just email music departments? Email the teachers directly?</p>
<p>We’re just moving slowly along. I know it will work out the way it’s supposed to.</p>
<p>I truly appreciate all the feedback. It’s eyeopening and very helpful!</p>