African-American/Black Class of 2012 (HS) Thread

<p>It was going to be made anyway, so I decided that it should just start now. :D</p>

<p>What are all of your plans?
College list?


<p>I want to major in International Relations and/or International Business, then eventually go on to law school! :slight_smile: I want to go to UT Austin for undergrad, then hopefully either UPenn (if life goes as planned…which it never does), Stanford, Harvard or Berkeley Law.
College list (ever changing but I <em>think</em> this is the complete list!) </p>

<p>UT Austin
Sarah Lawrence
University of Colorado at Boulder
UT Arlington </p>

<p>Goals…to get through Senior year without killing myself and everyone else, haha. Goals for college are mainly to get a high GPA, be involved on campus, rush a sorority or join a spirit club, and get some good internships :)</p>

<p>This is my list. Stars mean I love them
Boston Univ *<br>
Clark Univ<br>
Emerson Coll<br>
U of MA Amherst<br>
New Eng. Sch of Comm.<br>
Northeastern Univ *
Northwestern Univ<br>
Quinnipiac Univ<br>
Suffolk Univ<br>
Syracuse Univ *</p>

<p>I want to major in Broadcast journalism. My goal is to work at CNN one day :D</p>

<p>Ugh, i’m hunting for scholarships. I have a whole list but i’m just so lazy. I need to just set aside a day and attack all that paperwork lolz</p>

<p>These are my main schools:</p>

UC Davis
UC San Diego
University of Southern California
Washington University in St. Louis
and 4 low matches / safeties. Total is 9 schools. </p>

<p>For most of my schools, I want to major in political science. I might go to law school. :)</p>

<p>Reach: Princeton, Dartmouth
Match: UNC-Chapel Hill, UCSD
Safety: University of Washington</p>

<p>I want to major in either psychology or Biology, Med School (Johns Hopkins, Harvard, LSU, or Meharry)</p>

<p>School list:
.Morehouse College
Xavier LA

<p>My ultimate goal is to be a Special Education teacher. Depending on which school I go to, the degree will be different:</p>

<p>•Clarion University of Pennsylvania: Early Childhood/Special Education.</p>

<p>•Juniata College: Unified Elementary and Special Education.</p>

<p>•University of Virginia/Curry School of Education: Bachelor/Master in Secondary Special Education.</p>

<p>•Millersville University of Pennsylvania: Elementary Education/Special Education.</p>

<p>•Keystone College: Early Childhood Education/Special Education.</p>

<p>•Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania: Early Childhood Education/Special Education.</p>

<p>Well my goals are to study international relations and then after that i’ll either go to law school or continue on with the whole international relations thing (maybe work for UN)
but these are the colleges i’m thinking about.</p>

SUNY - Binghamton

<p>**MY DREAM SCHOOL. Applying ED</p>

<p>My goal is to go in to either dentistry or medicine.</p>

<p>Reach- Yale, Harvard, Princeton, MIT
Match- duke, Vanderbilt, Rice,
Safety- university of Texas, unc</p>

<p>Oh, how my list has changed!</p>

<p>I’m majoring in Political Science for most of my schools.</p>

<p>Loyola Marymount University - EA (dream school)
University of Miami - EA
University of Southern California
and 2 more low match / safety schools.</p>

<p>wow, it seems like everyone here is applying to only a few schools lolz
and of course top schools. :D</p>

<p>Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>Probably want to major in physics or astronomy
Michigan State
Georgia Tech
U of Wisconsin
U of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
what are my chance to get into any of these schools with a 3.3 unweighted GPA and 24 ACT</p>

<p>I’m thinking about majoring in Computer Engineering
U of southern cal
U of Arizona
Arizona State Univ
UC San Diego
UC Berkely
U of Missouri- Columbia
U of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
what are my chance to get into these schools with a 3.3 unweighted GPA, 3.9 weighted GPA, and 24 ACT ?</p>

<p>@Michigantown: Your chances are very slim to near impossible at this point in time. Michigan has definitely increased it’s standards (Acceptance rate dropped 10% this year) and minority admission is declining. Now that proposal two was shot down, maybe there will be an increase in minority acceptances next year and the years to come, granted that this court decision does not go to the supreme court. I got in with the exact same grades, but I was wait listed and then accepted in mid June. It wouldn’t hurt to apply but I think you can definitely get into Michigan state with those grades.</p>


<p>Listen guys, this thread better be bumpin by at least Nov. We mustn’t be so dry during the admissions season :D.</p>

<p>I’m so ready for college apps…all of my friends are dreading it but I’m kind of enjoying it so far lol
And I finally whittled down my college list to the ones I really love :)</p>


  1. Harvard EA (a person can dream, can’t they?)
  2. Yale
  3. Columbia
  4. Princeton
  5. Northwestern
  6. WUSTL
  7. Georgetown</p>

<p>Safety is gonna be the state flagship :smiley: it’s got a great honors program. Hoping to major in either polysci or econ (either double major or a minor in one of the two)…Then law school!</p>

<p>My friends are dreading college apps, too. I think they’re going to be the ones finishing on Christmas day.</p>

<p>I think I was a little too excited. I’m finished everything I can finish for now. I just need guidance and teacher recommendations, transcripts which my school doesn’t give out until mid-Sept, and one college app, which doesn’t come out until Sept. I also read over my essays every now and then to see if I would change them with “fresh eyes.”</p>

<p>The supplements for the two colleges I’m applying to that use the common app haven’t been released yet, so I still have to do those, too.</p>

<p>I should probably add that my college list is the same, except I’m no longer applying to UVa. (Sorry for the multiple posts. I would edit to add, but I’m on my iPod.)</p>