African-American/Black Class of 2012 (HS) Thread

<p>What I’ve learned:

  1. Apply to schools that are a good fit, and do your research.<br>
    I knew I wanted to major in Aerospace Engineering and work as a think tank for NASA years ago. I looked at my colleges by rank for my major. MIT was first, denied. NC State was cool but it’s ranked 34, Purdue is ranked 6th, internships with NASA and 100% job placement, (my biggest concern), and third I plan to get my PhD and win a Nobel Prize. I got accepted Morehouse because I wanted the HBCU experience/become legendary/and be surrounded by like-minded individuals…also they have a dual program with GA Tech which is #3, other top schools were in CA, very expensive for me to travel back and forth so distance played s key role. I didn’t apply Princeton/Yale,…I already knew it wouldn’t be a good fit. My advice apply early to where YOU want to go, be prepared and VISIT. I visited MIT my junior year loved it…
    I will continue my research and CONGRATS to EVERYONE! You all set the bar!
    Btw my mother help with the deadlines and she built rapport with all the schools. She helped with scholarship deadlines, knew my recommenders and proof read my essays.
    If you need to take the SAT again,… 2x is ok</p>

<p>Columbia, Northwestern, and Georgetown!!</p>

<p>I’m so very proud of you all! I know you will all do amazing things and make sure to rub in all your acceptances to anyone who doubted you haha! Personally,</p>

<p>Rejected: Harvard, Yale, Columbia (my dad’s alma mater :frowning: )
Wait listed: Brown
Accepted: Princeton, UPenn, Darthmouth, UNC Chapel Hill, UVA, Duke, UChicago, Georgetown, Johns Hopkins</p>

<p>I committed to Princeton just last week and intend to major in Molecular Biology (so help me God! Haha) But my one piece of advice is to just take a risk and apply to those reaches! I honestly don’t think I can stress enough how crucial it is to have faith in yourself and your capabilities, because if you don’t believe in yourself no one else will! I’m probably the least confident person around and I was so close to just applying to my one state school and calling it a day, but God is great and you never know what he can do! Good luck everyone! :)</p>

<p>We went on a college tour last week(Princeton, Haverford, Villanova, Seton Hall & UPENN… I loved, loved loved UPENN and Princeton…but whats not to love right? DD14 loved UPENN and felt like Princeton wasn’t a good fit b/c no one looked like her… We will see what happens… we may have to go back for a longer visit @ Princeton as we were there with one of her extra ciricular activities on a bus trip and had a limited tour(we missed the info session d/t being an hour late!)</p>

My daughter visited UCONN back in February and HATED IT!!! She doesn’t even want to apply to any schools in CT… but I have encouraged it. Even dragged her to Weselyan back on Veteran’s day and she ended up falling in love with it! </p>

<p>She loved UNC/Chapel Hill on a visit last August… Liked DUKE, Elon is not a good fit… the other 4 schools were ok according to her…</p>

<p>We did a exploring college options open house last May and she fell in LOVE with Stanford… but that is so faraway. Not sure what kind of aid they give. She has no clue as to the cost of airfare…LOL</p>

<p>We will also look into Connecticut College in New London, they are about an hour away and have some sort of special scholarship for minorities/women that have an interest in science…</p>

<p>@KARMASAND --<br>
Yes, this intentional/deliberate planning since freshman year has driven her a bit whacky… but she will be a prepared/viable candidate when the common app is live on 8/1/13…It will be wonderful for her to have noting to worry about because she has put the work in.
So many students in our community and her magnet highschool are clueless/unprepared when they become seniors. They are barely able to get into our local community college… because they have frittered away the past 4 years and no one has been that cheerleader on the sidelines helping to support them… its so sad! The only kids who takehighschool/ college planning seriously @ her school are the foriegners and the kids who come in from the suburbs! Inner city kids are at such a loss… they only see school as “fun” and don’t/can’t see the future. Her school is amazing! And has so much to offer. They have a partnership with Yale School of Medicine so the opportunities are endless! </p>

please tell me more about VISITAS… your post was almost a month ago… has the event occurred? We would love to come up and visit…is it for sophomores???</p>

<p>Can’t remember who asked, but YES! Money is an issue! </p>

<p>@ADABABY845 —
My dd14 tends to be a bit stubborn and hates my presence most of the time… but I also think there is a part of her that appreciates having me act as her “assistant”. I keep watch for all the deadlines/LOR submission to teachers/mailings , I am the one who finds summer programs, prints, mails her summer app’s when she completes them…constantly doing the interenet searches for programs/info that will help to elevate/enrich her… the only she has to do is focus on her school work/after school activities… etc. I spoke to a women at an event in NYC on Saturday(yes, we go up once a month for Mentoring in Medicine) and she had no clue that she should build a relationship with her daughters guidance counselor, nor did she know the women’s name! And school is almost over!</p>

<p>Most of her friends have parents that are not tuned in and they don’t do half as well as she… her friends are focused on FB/twitter and Tumbler… oh yeah, the mall/boys…and their grades show it! Two of her friends that she graduated from her k-8 catholic school just had babies… needless to say, they are no longer close…she has not time to hang out with those who lives are filled with dirty diapers and limited futures…</p>

I just did a Yahoo search and see that VISITAS is happening now, too late! :(<br>
Not sure which year you are in… maybe we can do a day in the fall? Late August when students return to campus? That would be GREAT!</p>

<p>@NewHaven–Visitas is held April of each year for accepted students. My D (HS class of 2012) is returning today. I assume she’s having fun since I haven’t heard a peep since an “I’m here…my host is cool” text on Friday!</p>

<p>Visitas was AMAZING!!!</p>

<p>NewHavenCTMom-- hated UConn as well! </p>

<p>If any students hate their instate schools, they better have some pretty darn good backups.</p>

<p>I told my parents that I wasn’t going to attend college anymore just for the lulz of it…bad idea. lol</p>

<p>I’m going to rant for a moment.</p>

<p>I’m going to college but it really stinks that my own counselor and people close to me have been saying “oh, you got into such good schools. Everybody would have thought that you would attend a better school this fall. Oh well, it’s probably money, and you’re the first kid in your family to go to college, maybe your parents will feel differently later on for your siblings”. Someone actually said that to me. It really ticked me off. Yeah, I got into some good schools, but no way am I going to attend a place that will put into debt. One lady came up to me and told me that I “made a mistake”. I don’t know, at first I was so upset that I would be attending a state school that I really did not like but then my parents brought me around and I felt a whole lot better about it, I was even starting to look forward to it! But then people have to say things like that which make me question if I’m doing the right thing. Ughhhhhhhhhhh >:/
The next person who0 comes up to me to tell me that is going to pay for my college tuition. </p>


<p>End of rant. That was all. I seriously had to get that off my chest. </p>

<p>State school= $8,000 every other school= $20,000</p>

<p>@BlackRose 101: I feel you on that! My parents have to pay out of pocket, and I have to get a loan for 3500. Then I looked at what an in-state school was offering, and I “counted the cost”. Do what’s best for you. You will succeed ANYWHERE and make yourself legendary!</p>

<p>Happy May!
lol it’s been awhile since I posted on here…but I was accepted to Columbia, Duke, Georgetown, and Wake Forest, and I’ll be attending Duke on a full-ride scholarship in the fall. GO BLUE DEVILS!!</p>

<p>Congrats to you!</p>

<p>Really sorry to hear that Blackrose, nobody should have to put up with something like that.</p>

<p>On a separate note, congratulations to everyone here, and good look to anyone here taking AP exams in the next few weeks.</p>

<p>Thanks, i’m over it now :/</p>

<p>and yeah, congrats to everyone! I remember the first time I came to CC, I was a naive kid (still am in some ways), I learnt a lot from you guys :)</p>