African-American/Black Class of 2012 (HS) Thread

<p>UW GPA: 3.4
SAT 2150</p>

<p>So far:</p>

<p>Accepted Bignamptom, SUny buffalo, UC santa barbara
Rejected: Santa Clara, UC Santa Cruz</p>

<p>Waiting on Stanford, USC, UC berkeley. Probably all rejections :(</p>

<p>SAT: 2300
UW GPA: 4.0 </p>

<p>Accepted: Amherst(received early write), case western, Howard, rice, Unc, Vanderbilt, UT Austin, Baylor, and Washington in St. Louis. </p>

<p>I received likely letters from Duke, Columbia, Cornell, and Dartmouth. I’m waiting to hear back from the other ivies and Stanford.</p>

<p>Accepted to the College of William and Mary as well!</p>

<p>Sent from my SPH-M920 using CC</p>

<p>A big congrats to everyone. You are all such hard workers as well as inspirations. Best of luck to those who are still receiving decisions *especially those who applied to Brown :slight_smile: *</p>

<p>This has truly been quite an experience and I’m glad I was able to share it with you all. We’re all going places, no matter what. Here are my results so far:</p>

<p>Rejected: Yale
Waitliisted: Columbia and Dartmouth
Accepted: Williams, Swarthmore, UChicago, Emory, Georgetown, UPenn, Brown and Princeton.</p>

<p>I’m still waiting for Harvard (don’t know why) and Stanford. It doesn’t really matter how those go. At this point, I couldn’t be more grateful.</p>

<p>Got into hopkins and harvardddddddd</p>

<p>Wow guys… </p>

<p>Let me start by saying that you guys ROCK!!! It is so refreshing to see all you brown babies(no disrespect, just my term for younger black folks, please forgive me :slight_smile: working hard, aspiring for amazing lives and hitting it out of the park! I sit here with goose bumps reading your posts… I am sure your parents are OVER THE MOON proud of you! </p>

<p>If any of you are headed here to New Haven/Yale… by all means… contact/PM me! I can give you tips on the ins/outs of the city. </p>

<p>To all of you who have given me advice/input for my daughter, a million thanks. So sorry it took me so long to respond… my computer crashed/needed repair and never touch dd14’s…</p>

<p>I just wanted to let you know that you are all just fantastic!! </p>

<p>I have been lurking on this site for a few years, gathering information for my younger relatives. Every year I am amazed by the students here, and this year is no exception. Now that my first child is starting on her high school journey, I find inspiration in all of you. </p>

<p>Thank you and Congratulations to everyone.</p>

<p>Applied to NC State, UNC-Chapel Hill, and Duke. Accepted at all three. Tough decision between Duke and UNC now:/</p>

<p>Thanks NewHavenCTMom and semiLucky. </p>

<p>Good luck semiLucky (no pun intended :)). </p>

<p>JHU is too expensive for my family (but still a good package, so to any future applicants, don’t be disclosure, but make sure you have a good list of affordable options that are also schools you have a GREAT/100% chance of getting into–and that you like. Once you have 3 of those, then work on “reaches”). </p>

<p>So it’s between Brown and Harvard :slight_smile: Harvard is almost free!</p>

<p>woah, CPU, EPIC CONGRATS!!!</p>

<p>and GeeFizz, an epic congrats goes to you as well!!</p>

<p>Wow! Everybody, we’re almost done!!! :)</p>

<p>How did you all start the process of finding your safeties? So many schools to choose from! Did you start by location? major? My dd14 knows which reaches she is applying to(those are always the easy ones)…the safeties are what makes most students pull their hair out…</p>

<p>2nd question… how did you keep all of your important dates in order? spread sheets? a basic calender? Did your parents help in the application process? How did you find their help or lack their of?</p>

<p>Did any of you apply to QUESTBRIDGE? how did you find the experience? did any of you match? get scholarships?</p>

<p>Thanks again!


<p>I put everything into an excel sheet, printed it out, and hung it up in my bedroom.
My safeties were my state schools (i’m 100% not undermining state schools in any way by saying that).</p>

<p>My best friend did Questbridge, she got the thing where a student in a top school helps you with your app. She loved that.</p>

<p>I’m my parents oldest kid, so they could not help as much, they mostly helped out with their pockets :smiley: lol. I’m extremely thankful for that. They also filled out all the fin-aid themselves, and they listened to me read my essays. Their encouragement and advice helped me a lot.</p>

<p>Yes, definitely state schools, but in some states, like CA or MI (Michigan? oops ;)), it will be expensive.</p>

<p>NewHavenCTMom-- Uconn is a safety for your child, especially if high-achieving. However, it may still cost more than another school (a ‘reach’ or ‘prestigious’ school with a huge endowment).</p>

<p>I used a lot of tools, like College Board’s search, to use objective and subjective criteria to narrow down my choices for safeties. typically, safeties are schools where your stats are in the top 25%ile or above. As a note, when using CB, to find a safety, enter SAT/ACT scores lower than yours to get safeties.</p>

<p>University of Pittsburgh is a great safety school, for admissions. Not sure about scholarships, but I got a full tuition scholarship (for minorities, called Honors Challenge). APPLY EARLY TO PITT. I applied in Oct. DEFINITELY helps for scholarships. </p>

<p>Apply early to any school you can!!!</p>

<p>Woohoo!! The admissions process is finally over! Thank ya Jesus…</p>

<p>As for how I went about the process, I think my approach was a little different from most students’.</p>

<p>I applied to UChicago and Georgetown EA. My plan was to apply to safeties only if I didn’t get into either one. But I got into both, so I didn’t. However, this wasn’t necessarily the smartest decision because money is big factor for me, especially since I fall “in the middle.” I was in awkward spot when it came to financial aid. Luckily, Georgetown and Princeton gave me a pretty good financial aid package, unlike most of the schools I got in to (UChicago, Williams, Emory, Brown…etc…). Basically, had I not gotten into Georgetown and Princeton, I would have had to apply to city/state schools last minute or enroll in a college in which I’d be guaranteed to be swamped in debt. So if money isn’t a factor, you can take this approach. But don’t if it is.</p>

<p>I didn’t really do anything other than watch the days slip away on the calendar as deadlines approached. </p>

<p>In general, my parent’s only provide assistance when I ask for it. During the admissions process they filled out the financial aid forms and helped proof read essays. That was all. They’re not overbearing, and I like that. That would have been more unnecessary stress. Although, I’m one to take initiative anyway, which they’re aware of.</p>

<p>And no, I did not apply to Questbridge.</p>

<p>Overall, I’m happy with the way I went about things. But I certainly don’t recommend it to everyone.</p>

<p>Ps thanks blackrose!</p>

<p>I think that it is worth it to apply to safety schools early. If you get into your reach schools, great. If those reaches don’t give you enough money, that’s tough. And if you dont get into reach schools, you’ll be pressed for time to find and apply to good options. It’s always good to grab safeties (financial safeties also) early and hang on until the very end. </p>

<p>But I don’t disagree with Kali’s method, but I agree that it is not for everyone.</p>

<p>ayeeee 2012 swag ON DECK</p>

<p>Great job, guys. It’s good to see some of those people who were stressing when they were sophomores reaping the rewards of being intentional about the college application process early. If anyone is coming to Harvard for Visitas, hit me up. I’m on an event planning board (actually, several…my life is rough) and would love to give some of yall free admission to some of the great events here on campus during Visitas weekend, in addition to taking you around! </p>

<p>I’m so excited to meet any of you that are thinking about coming to Harvard. If you have any questions about deciding between a few schools, feel free to hit me up about that too!</p>

<p>I’m so proud of all of us. Congratulations to everyone, especially since the process is finally over (except for possibly financial aid). :)</p>


<p>money is all I care about right now. haha</p>

<p>@ new haven: i looked that the schools that emailed me and used the college board site to find and research my safeties.
i really dont know how i listed my deadlines and stuff … i just … did them.
CPU is right . DO APPLY TO REACHES !!! my mom and dad practically shoved Cornell and Yale down my throat lol but it was too late. I was already in love with George Washington. also, listen you your child. i was really annoyed because my parents werent interested until much later but i doubt you’ll have that problem because you’re already on CC :slight_smile:
apply early . do every thing early . tell your child to ask for recs around the end of junior year. then to email teachers in the summer of senior year. then ask about them on the first day of school again. apply to summer programs. and if you cant afford it, see if they have scholarships. volunteer. explore, study HARD . you wont regret it when decisions come around</p>