African American Class of 2015

<p>@dreamwriter23‌ how do u feel about Justin bieber being a racist thing. To me it seems like the only people defending him is his fans. I hate when people say its a joke, but how if referring to blacks as n***ers a joke. I’m 15 and I never said anything like that so I also hate when people say he’s too young. And u can still hang around blacks and be racist. I don’t know if he’s racist or not but he is definitely an ignorant person and I feel like he’s not going to be in the music industry too long. </p>

<p>@Jellybae AB, they switched from BC after last year. I’m guessing there was some sort of debacle because they tried to cram so much into PreCalc before the year ended. How about you?</p>

<p>@Clarg17‌ im taking AB as well! At my school you have to take AB and then BC</p>

<p>@jellybae oh cool! Summer assignment? And what other classes are you taking?</p>

<p>@Clarg17‌ the only summer assignment I have is to read my english lit book. I’m also taking physics c, chem 2, Lit, gov/Econ and Newspaper</p>

<p>@jellybae your so lucky I have to read 4 books, do 3 packets, watch 1 movie, and write assignments for like every class… and i haven’t started yet. Oops! :(( </p>

<p>@Clarg17‌ <em>cries for you</em> </p>

<p>What’s up everyone? I haven’t been on in a while. AP exams were good. I got a 5 on BC calc. 4s on comp sci and physics C mechanics. 3 on english lang -_-. My school only requires one book for summer assignments so that’s nice compared to others. Good luck with all your stuff @Clarg17</p>

<p>@mathmaticious Thanx! Btw anyone finalize their college list? @jellybae</p>

<p>I’m applying to 3 or 5 schools. My goal and safety is UT. Their health science and dean’s scholar program make me drool tbh. The only con about UT is that it’s in Texas and the school is like 6% black. Right now I’ve decided to apply to yale scea and harvard rd (this may switch around though so it’s not final). If I get rejected/deferred by my SCEA school and don’t get in to the honors program I like at UT, then I’ll apply to Rice and Duke. If I end up getting rejected everywhere (in UT’s case I’m an auto admit so if I don’t get into an honors program) I’ll just go to my city’s university or give up on life</p>

<p>What about you guys? @Clarg17‌ @Mathmaticious‌ </p>

<p>MIT is my number one choice so I’m applying there early. I’ll apply to Rice RD and Stanford RD if I don’t get into MIT. I’m still stuck between UT and A&M for my safety but I want to be engineering honors if I have to go to one of those two. Also I might apply to RPI but that’s just because I’m a RPI medalist.</p>

<p>@Jellybae @Mathmaticious‌ I’m going to be Pre-law so I’m more into enjoying my undergraduate years, I’m going to figure out what subjects I LOVE! And then major in that (right now it’s psych, neuroscience, history, philosophy, business, Econ, international relations…) so I’m applying undecided. Applying Early Action to Umass Amherst and Umass Dartmouth ( instate basically in, just hoping for honors), Fordham, northeastern, and Spelman just to see where the chips fall. Then I’m probably going to cut down my list of like 20 from there… </p>

<p>Washington and Lee is a very unique place, which may be an uncomfortable challenge for some Black students. Search the recent arguments regarding the Confederate Battle Flag. Don’t misunderstand me, there are thriving Black students at W&L today, as there have been for years. However, some Black students on campus have said that their comfort level at W&L undergrad hits a fairly big bump in the road every now and then. Your mileage may vary.</p>

<p>I agree with the concerns about W and L. There are very few black students there, and admissions statistics don’t indicate that they care much about increasing their numbers. </p>

<p>I haven’t evaluated W&L closely in recent years, but I know from first hand experience that for a time, the University was quite unsure how to handle racial diversity. For example, some administrators in the student affairs operations really didn’t distinguish the concerns of African-American students from the international students. They sort of lumped together all the non-whites on campus [in their view]. Perhaps not malevolent, but that attitude didn’t demonstrate a real commitment to African-American students’ concerns.</p>

<p>W&L is also often regarded as a conservative school so I’d stay clear of there anyway lol</p>

<p>Has anyone finished there common app essay?</p>

<p>first draft/good enough for my early schools yes but i want to edit it more</p>

<p>I completed my draft too! </p>

<p>I forgot all about amherst’s divoh and they just sent me an email to remind me the deadline’s in two weeks lol. It’s time to get started on my application because i guess it can’t hurt me</p>

<p>lol, i got that too but i already applied for a program and it being in mass makes me a lot less likely to go there, especially because its in the consortium with umass amherst; How could a girl pass up free tuition and instate room and board fees ;)) </p>