African American Class of 2015

<p>I know what you mean. And its not something you can just brush off as something that can’t happen where you live. I recently moved to a predominantly white neighborhood. At my old house I would always go running in the morning. Over here I did that last week after we settled down and my parents got very upset. They told me off after that, referencing Trayvon Martin. I had never realized that me just running in the morning with my sweats and mini afro could attract unwanted attention. Sure not everyone is like that but those people are out there.</p>

<p>Your parents gave you that talk too?? Now I feel utterly hopeless :frowning: my parents have refused to get me a bicycle because they’re afraid someone will shoot me… Heck they have anxiety attacks when I’m outside alone. We shouldn’t have to live like this :frowning: </p>

<p>@emenya‌ did you just say mini afro??? Are you a girl? If you are omg can we bond and share hair secrets (sorry whenever I find other girls with Afros I feel a spiritual connection lol)</p>

<p>@Jellybae Yeah they gave me that talk. We should definitely not have to live like this but it is our jobs to get a great education and one day change the world.</p>

<p>And no, I’m not a girl :slight_smile: But I have a friend who has the meanest afro I’ve ever seen. And unfortunately I don’t have hair secrets lol</p>

<p>Hello everybody,
Currently doing apps but decided to take a break and post here.
1890 SAT
29 ACT
3.4091 UW
4.59/5 W
Applying to UCLA, UC Berkeley, UPenn, Boston College, and Florida State University. Also, I’m planning on running track at any of these colleges.</p>

<p>Oh, almost forgot! My Schedule for this year:
AP Government 1st Semester Economics 2nd Semester
AP Calculus AB
Health 1st Semester Speech 2nd Semester
AP Environmental Science
English IV
Track and Field 2nd Semester</p>

<p>Welcome Nole2015 Impressive stats. I’ll post mine too</p>

<p>SAT 1: Math-630 CR-680 Writing-570 :frowning: for writing (1880 Total)
ACT: Composite: 31 M-27 R-32 E-32 S-32
UW GPA: 3.46
W GPA: 4.16</p>

<p>Senior schedule
AP Govt/ AP Economics
AP Physics
AP English Lit
AP Calculus BC
AP Computer Science
AP European History
AP Art History or Health/Speech (My Dad won’t make up his mind on paying for H/S online and in Texas health and speech is a graduation requirement.)</p>

<p>On that topic, does anyone know of any free, online health and speech classes? I REALLY do not want to take it during school. (Like, what is a senior doing in Health and Speech class with freshman and sophmores :)</p>

<p>Ok ill join to keep the streak going…</p>

<p>SAT I: M 660 CR 600 W 610 Total 1870 (First and only sitting)
Act: Taking in Sept
UW GPA 3.7 (self calculated with help here)
W GPA: 4.1</p>

<p>Senior Schedule
AP Bio
AP Calc AB
AP Euro
H Humanities (English)
H Bio Futures
H French III
W.e. Special I get</p>

<p>I guess this is a thing now…</p>

<p>SAT I: M 700 CR 640 W 630 Total 1970 (First sitting. Taking again in Nov. if my ACT isn’t good enough)
SAT II: Math 2 800
Act: Taking in Sept.
W GPA: 4.44</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:
AP Chemistry
AP English 4
AP Macroeconomics / AP Government
Spanish 3 Pre-AP
Advanced Computer Programming / Speech (required)
Art (required)</p>

<p>what AP’s has everyone taken before senior year? And anyone who has taken computer science or art history, can you tell me about it?</p>

<p>@emenya‌ I’ve taken AP World History, US History, Physics C: Mechanics, Calculus BC, Computer Science, and English Language and Composition</p>

<p>I don’t know what AP Computer Science should be like because my teacher retired before the end of the first semester and we had substitutes and a senior teach our class the rest of the year. It was pretty bad. Properly taught it’s pretty much all about Java programming.</p>

<p>I’ll continue the trend
SAT I: (2070 C second sitting- will not be submitting)
ACT: taking in September and I’m betting everything on it lol. Aiming for 33+
UW GPA: 3.99 on CB scale
W GPA: 4.21 on school scale </p>

<p>Senior year course load (if everything goes well):
AP Physics C
AP Bio
AP Chem
AP Gov/ AP Macro Econ
AP English Lit
AP Calculus AB

<p>I’m having schedule issues so we’ll see how this goes. I hope I get to take all of these classes though :frowning: about other APs, I’ve taken human geo, world history, ush, lang and psych </p>

<p>@Jellybae How was E2? And is your physics C mechanics or electricity and magnetism?</p>

<p>@Mathmaticious is prior instruction in any type of computer programming a must?</p>

<p>and </p>

<p>@Jellybae How come your not submitting SAT? Like your thoroughly done with SAT and only want to submit ACT?</p>

<p>@emenya‌ that’s awesome! Fellow black bioengineer makes unite</p>

<p>Genetics is so intriguing;although, I am leaning more toward tissue cell regeneration and cancer research as I’m wanting to be premed also</p>

<p>Oh, I took my SAT in one sitting no studying either and M: 670 R: 560 W:660</p>

<p>What I wrote above ^^^ @emenya</p>

<p>and thank you @emenya</p>

<p>@Mathmaticious‌ whats E2? I think my school only offers one type of physics c but I’m not sure which. </p>

<p>@emenya my SAT score isn’t good enough for the schools I want to apply to and I’m 373828282 times certain my ACT score will be a lot better than my SAT. If not, I guess I’ll just retake the SAT.</p>

<p>Nice to see this thread booming. When do you all go back to school? I start on the 25th</p>

<p>Tommorow the 14th!</p>