African American Class of 2015

<p>@Mathmaticious thanks I need all the luck I can get. I’m still going to apply and if I get accepted, I’ll just hit the speedbumps when I get there</p>

<p>@emenya That’s a good way to look at it. Why worry about how your going to cook the pig before you’ve killed it?</p>

<p>@jellybae why are you taking all 3 major AP science course at the same time? Taking AP Physics and AP Chem at the same time is going to be difficult. Taking Chem and Bio together isn’t too difficult but Physics C and Chem at the same time is really tough. Our unofficial valedictorian did it last year and it wasn’t easy. </p>

<p>@emenya Art History was the worst experience of my whole life…not even joking. The reading assignments were sooo long (20 pages a night and the text was miniscule) and then we had a quiz over the reading everyday. The only reason that I took the class was because it had the words AP in front of it and I needed to fulfill my art requirement. It was a horrific experience and unfortunately I cannot unsee some of those artworks. And we had to go to the art museum each quarter on a Saturday and write an essay on an artwork from a certain time period. </p>

<p>… @tola2015 :(</p>

<p>I should probably drop Art History and add a study hall shouldn’t I?</p>

<p>@tola2015‌ turns out I probably will be taking bio and chemistry together next year. My school offers chem and physics at the same time. It sucks :frowning: </p>

<p>I really want to take astronomy but it isn’t weighted… I was going to take art history at a cc but everyone says it’s hard so I may just do it at school. I may not be able to take newspaper this year because it’s offered at the same time as gov/Econ and I need the latter to graduate. I’m so sad :(</p>

<p>@emenya I wouldn’t say drop it. It’s not an interesting class. If you really want the AP credit than go for it. I would say take another class regardless of whether or not it’s weighted. Don’t take a study hall just because you don’t want your W GPA to go down.
@jellybae take astronomy anyway. Most colleges look at your UW GPA anyways and you shouldn’t be discouraged from taking a class just because it’s on a 4.0 scale. </p>

<p>just got my schedule too and surprisingly everything worked out good
@tola2015 and @jellybae dont worry everything will work out in the end schedule wise and i honestly doubt scheduling conflicts will break your college admissions</p>

<p>@tola2015‌ that was my line of thinking but then I realized that my school ranks based on weighted gpa. I could care less about ranking but then again the only schools on my list that wouldn’t care about it either would be top 20s and those are all reaches. UT cares about rank. I’m in the top 2% so I’m set for auto admission no matter what but for the honors programs I may be screwed if I fall…</p>

<p>I started school today :frowning: I miss summer</p>

<p>@Jellybae Me too!!! This school thing…smh. But in other news Calculus is fun. And @tola2015 At my new school, apparently its been going around that Art History is the best AP class. There are like 50 in the class total. And it seems really interesting (from the first two days)</p>

<p>Ack got my first taste of denial today with the Windows on Williams program. And school starts soon, so I’m semi excited. How are you guys?</p>

<p>@HeisAidanD‌ Pretty good thanks. My new school is fine so I guess the transition period is over. And all the classes seem to be really going well. When do you start school?</p>

<p>@emenya I start school on September 2nd! </p>

<p>Did anyone apply to Explore Bowdoin or FAST at Harvey Mudd? I got into both and it’d be cool to meet some of y’all.</p>

<p>@mathmaticious When did you hear from Bowdoin? S applied there but has not heard anything yet. Are you going in Sept? He applied for Oct. and the application deadline is still weeks away, maybe that is why. He didn’t apply to Harvey Mudd.
He is attending WUSTL, Williams, Amherst, JHU, and MIT so far. He is on the fence on Macalester, and will have to say no to Middlebury since it is during Amherst.
Anyone else attending any of those?
He has a bunch of other application pending still as well.</p>

<p>@planner03‌ I applied for Sept. That’s probably why I already heard back. I didn’t apply to any of those other ones.
I haven’t heard back from Caltech, Dartmouth, Columbia, or UPenn, but most of those deadlines haven’t even passed yet.</p>

<p>@mathmaticious I hadn’t even heard about Caltech or Columbia, wow there are just so many of them! </p>

<p>@planner03‌ Caltech’s program is like hidden. Even though I knew about it, it was hard to find. Columbia invites people to their fly in. I wasn’t invited but I applied anyways because I read somewhere that they give application fee waivers even if you aren’t accepted so why not. I found out about these from other MOSTEC students.</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I applied for Williams’ fly in but didn’t get in, unfortunately. It’s probably too late for others. </p>

<p>@mathmaticious Thanks for the links. I did end up finding them, but they are indeed hidden like many others. S is not planning on engineering and I don’t think either school would be right for him. He will probably send in the Columbia application, but it is the same weekend as UPenn, which he would prefer to visit.</p>

<p>You went to MOSTEC? How was the experience? S was accepted but he opted to attend TASP instead.</p>

<p>@HeisAidanD Sorry about Williams. If you look around the are plenty of fly ins that still have open applications though. The thread on this forum lists many, but by no means is it comprehensive-you need to dig around.</p>