African American Class of 2015

<p>How about you @Mathmaticious‌ ? </p>

<p>I’m trying to get my UT app in tomorrow so I can get my honors application in on Wednesday so I feel your pain @emenya‌ </p>

<p>Every time I go to yale’s website I get so sad. I want to go there so badly. I’m absolutely in love with the school and all of the opportunities I could have there. But lately I’m feeling so discouraged. At this point, the only reason I’m applying is because it’s free for me</p>

<p>I’m applying to MIT and Caltech EA. Princeton and Columbia regular. I might apply to other places but I don’t know.</p>

<p>@Jellybae‌ if it makes you feel any better, I get reoccurring nightmares that I’m going to get rejected to Stanford REA :O</p>

<p>Hey everyone. I’m new here, but I’m African American so I thought I’d start with this thread. I never thought I’d be that kid who’s applying to Harvard EA, but after lots of visits and college meetings, I’ve fallen in love with it. who else is applying to Harvard?!?! Also @emenya, Tulane is an awesome school. I don’t know how anyone could consider it a safety because I have a friend who was accepted to Yale and rejected from Tulane. Just something to think about</p>

<p>Welcome @oxoxhawja3xoxo‌ !! Lol your username is going to be a pain to remember! Oh don’t worry I wasn’t discrediting Tulane. And it’s kind of scary getting accpeted to Yale and rejected from Tulane. I’m also applying to Harvard, but not EA. Have you already submitted your application?</p>

<p>haha I know. I’ve had the same user name for everything since 4th grade, so I can’t bear the thought of changing it now. I’m from New Orleans, so I will say that Tulane is a ton of fun, and there is an abundance of Jews there, if that interests you. The medical program is also stellar. I go to Tulane hospital and the med students are very attractive. I don’t know why I’m telling you any of this. Mostly because I’ve learned that loving your safety schools is a super important thing. haha. ummm. I haven’t submitted it yet. I’m still working on the supplement. I’m pretty sure I’m going to do the book thing. I wrote a roommate letter, but then decided that the voice was similar to my voice in my common app. When I talk about books, I sound a hell of a lot more intellectual, and I think I should probably show them that side of myself. I’ll probably submit the app by the end of the week.

<p>@oxoxhawja3xoxo‌ I’m applying to Harvard! But not EA. I wish you the absolute best :slight_smile: </p>

<p>@jellybae , good luck to you also!!! </p>

<p>what is everyone most excited about for college?
I’m definitely excited about seeing snow for the first time, since I’m only applying to schools in the north. haha</p>

<p>lol the med students are very attractive… men or women :slight_smile: @oxoxhawja3xoxo‌ </p>

<p>Anyway I’m excited for the next chapter. We are literally begining to define our lives by our own terms. We become accountable and are able to direct our own lives. In other words, freedom!! I feel like college will help me to improve my financial condition and also to show my younger brothers and sisters that even though my parents did not go to college, we can still succeed. But mostly the freedom. I can’t wait to actually do things on my own. </p>

<p>Thought I’d introduce myself, class of 2015 from Houston, TX :slight_smile:
The list of schools I’m applying to is always fluctuating but the ones set in stone are Yale, Columbia, Stanford, USC, and my state school. </p>

<p>Yeah Texas!!! and Yeah Stanford!! Welcome @drblack‌ ! Are you applying REA to Stanford or another school?</p>

<p>Howdy @drblack‌ Are you talking about UT Austin? And nice list! Are you a national scholar?</p>

<p>Hey guys, @Mathmaticious‌ and @emenya‌ ! And no I’m not applying early for any school >.< Wish I was but I have a feeling my application would not nearly be as strong.</p>

<p>I feel like I was so close. I’m Outstanding Participant @ 193. </p>

<p>I got semi-finalist at 199 so you were definitely close. @drblack‌ </p>

<p>Agree ^ you were definitely close. No need to discourage yourself :slight_smile: @drblack‌ </p>

<p>The plan so far is to REA at Stanford. But if I don’t make questbridge, then I am 100% not doing REA and will apply early to Purdue.</p>

<p>Thanks guys! I’m not discouraged at all, standardized test really aren’t my strength. I thrive better in class
Where are you guys applying to and what do yall want to study? I’m probably going to be a non-science pre med. I want to become a psychiatrist with a focus on community mental health for undeserved communities, like our’s. I’m kinda picky about where I want to go to for UG, but ultimately all that matters is getting into med school. Luckily I’m automatic for UT Austin. </p>

<p>LOL so are we (Me, Jellybae, Math, and someone else on this thread who I can’t remember)</p>

<p>My list, which might fluctuate tbh, is Stanford, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Columbia, Berkeley, Johns Hopkins, UT, Purdue, Baylor, Alabama, and Tulane. I really want to major in Biomedical Engineering and become a Genetic engineer when I grow up. I’m really interested in medical research and would love to that as well.</p>

<p>We are applying to similar schools @emenya‌ ! The ones I’ve already stated plus Berkeley and Tulane. But tbh I want to leave the south at all cost. If I cant do it for UG than I’ll definitely leave for med school. </p>

<p>Genetics are so cool. I’m actually taking AP Biology right now and I never realized how much I like this science especially biochemistry and genetics (I’m also taking AP Chem and its kicking my butt! It is interesting tho). Genetics and genetically transmitted diseases have always been interesting to me because my mother is a sickle-cell carrier </p>

<p>Hello everyone! This thread really really makes me happy so I’m kinda glad to be commenting on it! I have a question though: Does anyone know if Outstanding Participant actually DOES anything? I have it and I put it on all my apps but<br>
does it make you look special? Just wondering! By the way, y’all are all super high achieving and I appreciate that lol. And also, @oxoxhawja3xoxo I’m glad you wanna see snow but it’s not all it’s cracked up to be, let me tell you! Especially since I live in it, I’m from MN lololol</p>