African American Class of 2015

<p>@mathmaticious Sadly, Brown doesn’t offer Early Action. Only Early Decision, and my parents are totally against ED.</p>

<p>Hey there guys, long time lurker turned user here. Just created my account so I can join the convo, hahaha. </p>

<p>I just submitted my early apps to UChicago, Brown, Case Western, Fordham and Boston College ( yea I know, procrastination: 1, me: 0) so here’s to hoping I make it into one of them.</p>

<p>Good Luck everyone!</p>

<p>@Anduar3‌ Just curious, how did you send in early apps to Brown AND UChicago? Doesn’t that violate Brown’s ED policy?</p>

<p>@KelMoo‌ , no I don’t think it does. According to Brown’s website, you’re not allowed to apply to any other schools under early decision or under any single choice early action programs, like Harvard. UChicago has the standard early action, so it’s fine to do so. </p>

<p>I just wanted to stop by and offer hellos’s and well wishes to the class of 2015! We went through this mind numbing process last year and so I understand the stress of it all. Just know that all this hard work is well worth it! And then some. DD is having the time of her life at Yale. She told me that it is far better than she could have ever imagined it to be. She says her happiness takes her breath away sometimes/ has exceeded her wildest expectations!!! </p>

<p>Not sure if I told you all this previously but Yale is a school that was on the BOTTOM of her list and one that she was totally against applying to. In fact, she almost missed the RD deadline last year! She thought the deadline was 1/1 but it was actually 12/31. Thank God I peeked at her laptop on New Years Eve Day!!! That’s how low on the list it was! The deadline was of no concern to her!</p>

<p>Even after receiving her acceptance in March, she was still adamant about not going. She made her decision during Bull Dog Days which was a shock to us all. Including her. </p>

<p>I say all this to say, don’t close any doors during this mind boggling process! You never know where you will find your bliss!</p>

<p>Thank you for your kind words of encouragement @NewHavenCTmom‌ ! I am really hoping to receive good news form New Haven come December :)</p>

<p>No need to thank me! Happy thoughts & fingers crossed. </p>

<p>@newhavenCTmom, mind numbing is right! I’ve evolved from a once passive email checker to a neurotic, refreshing every 5 minutes guy, and its not even close to the time when decisions will be released lol</p>

<p>I’m praying for good news come December, getting into any of my early action schools would be a great Christmas gift</p>

<p>@Anduar3‌ </p>

<p>One thing I have learned in life is this…worrying, obsessing, perseveration…or as my Nana used to say "worry-ation will get you absolutely nowhere. Worrying isn’t going to change a thing will it? </p>

<p>What’s funny is because I was the one who thought incessantly about this whole process after DD hit the submit button on the CA. She on the other hand, enjoyed her senior year. You should do the same! Leave the worrying to
your parents. </p>

<p>@NewHavenCTmom, yea I wish it were that easy lol. I already graduated high school, I’m on a gap year, so besides work and preparing for a mission trip, I have nothing else to consume my time. </p>

<p>Where else did you apply?</p>

<p>Brown (ED), UChicago, Boston College, Fordham and Clark U and Case Western.</p>

<p>Not sure if you all have read the book called The Pact. A must read!! A story of 3 poor black Newark, NJ teens (Sampson Davis, George Jenkins & Rameck Hunt) who beat the odds. An incredibly powerful story! </p>

<p>There is a documentary of their lives on Netflix, title The Pact.</p>

<p>There are also countless You Tube Videos posted of their past speeches. Here are a few of the You Tube videos. I wanted to share. </p>

<p><a href=“MLK Symposium: The Three Doctors - YouTube”>MLK Symposium: The Three Doctors - YouTube; </p>

<p><a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube;

<p><a href=“OneBook Discussion of The Pact with author Dr. Rameck Hunt - YouTube”>OneBook Discussion of The Pact with author Dr. Rameck Hunt - YouTube;

<p>Their website is Thethreedoctors(dot)com</p>

<p>They are also on FB.</p>

<p>Harvard App submitted (on October 23 haha)! Woohoo! by the time the results come, I’ll have been doing so much work for other applications that it wont matter if I’m deferred lol. Where are y’all applying RD?</p>

<p>If my ED choice doesn’t pan out, then I’ll apply to NYU, Northwestern, Georgetown, Oberlin and Cornell. Not much of a list, but I think I have a good mix of schools. </p>

<p>If my ED choice doesn’t pan out, then I’ll apply to NYU, Northwestern, Georgetown, Oberlin and Cornell. Not much of a list, but I think I have a good mix of schools. </p>

<p>Are you waiting until you get an ED response to begin applying to those other places? That would be a lot of stress unless there is a large time gap between the decision day and RD deadlines. @Anduar3‌</p>

<p>I’m applying to Princeton and Columbia RD. I want to have those apps done before MIT and Caltech release EA decisions so there is no extra pressure to get into one of them if I don’t get accepted to MIT or Caltech early.</p>

<p>Where are you applying RD? @Hind2015‌ </p>

<p>Well I find out about my decisions from Princeton, Yale, and Stanford on December 1 (Questbridge). I am 99% that I wont get in any of them, so I am making sure that I’m getting my RD apps done now. So far I’m doing Harvard, Columbia, UChicago, Johns Hopkins, Caltech, Duke, and Rice. I decided to drop Cal and UCLA because there would be no way I could pay tuiton even if I got in. I’m applying to so many reach schools because I already have a full ride to Alabama and I would be so happy going there. So really now it’s go big or go home :)</p>

<p>@mathmaticious, I’m working on all the applications for those schools now. I hope to have most of them finished by the time I hear back from Brown, plus it a good distraction from the waiting.</p>

<p>O ok. That is a good distraction. @Anduar3‌
I’m doing the same thing. @emenya‌ I will more than likely be at A&M for free so it’s all reach schools left over. I don’t know if I would want to go to Alabama even though it would be free. Have you visited?</p>