African American Class of 2015

<p>@spockthethird‌ it’s ok u still have chance in RD and it won’t be the end of the world if u don’t go to an ivy league </p>

<p>Got into Princeton!</p>

<p>@RFAtoIVY congratulations!!! :-)</p>

<p>@RFAtoIVY‌ Congratulations!! </p>

<p>Congrats!! @RFAtoIVY‌ </p>

<p>thanks guys i wish all the luck in the world for everyone here </p>

<p>I was denied from Penn…shooting for Oberlin now!</p>

<p>I couldn’t believe this thread existed when I just literally found it. Congrats to everyone accepted somewhere so far especially the one’s accepted to CalTech; that 1.9% African American population desperately needs to go up. And to all the deferred people I’m sorry for you as I have several friends in the same situation and have to desperately finish applications now but you all will make it. </p>

<p>Thus far I’ve been accepted to these schools:
Davidson College ED I (Financial Aid Award: 60,270 x 4 = 241,080)
Gustavus Adolphus RA (Scholarship Award: 25,000 x 4 = 100,000)
Howard University EA (Scholarship Award: Full Tuition)
Georgia State University EA (Scholarship Award: 1,000 x 4 = 4,000)
Depauw EA (Scholarship Award: TBD)
University of Georgia (Scholarship Award: TBD)</p>

<p>Waiting to here from:
Cornell University
Dartmouth College
Trinity College
Brandeis University
College of the Holy Cross
Clark University
Georgia Institute of Technology</p>

<p>Note: I am just feeling so blessed right now to already be accepted into my dream school with a great financial aid package without loans prior to second semester. </p>

<p>@NIHHIHH‌ - if you have been accepted to Davidson under ED 1, you are required to notify the other schools to which you have applied and withdraw all other pending applications.</p>

<p>I know I’m just procrastinating on it until I find out from Georgia Tech on January 10th as my principal really wants to have at least one person get accepted there. </p>

<p>Wow congrats @NIHHIHH‌ ! $240,000 + is amazing</p>

<p>Thanks @emenya! I started crying when I saw my financial aid letter. It’s funny as the financial letter was scarier to open than the letter of admission as that would really decide if I could go there or not. </p>

<p>I don’t think I posted it here, but I was deferred by UM. Not the end of the world, but I would prefer a solid “yes” or “no” tbh.</p>

<p>Currently, I am suffering from application fatigue. I have ~6 or 7 I need to knock out in the upcoming days and I am so exhausted. I can’t wait for all of this to be over.</p>

<p>@nat97xo I feel you. I just want to sleep the next couple of days. I had 7 I was supposed to write over break. Then I got on student reviews and starting reading reviews for the colleges I had on my list found out I wasn’t feeling 5 of them, so I took those off my list. Then I added Yale. So now I have Brown, Rice, and Yale to finish the essays for. TBH, I don’t really feel like doing them because I feel like my financial aid package is going to stink and then I won’t even be able to attend if I got in. </p>

<p>What colleges do you have left to apply to?</p>

<p>And congratulations! :slight_smile: @NIHHIHH </p>

<p>@NIHHIHH‌ Congrats!!</p>

<p>@tola2015‌ I recently completed Barnard and NYU Tisch apps but I’ve yet to submit them. I have to complete apps for Wesleyan, Northwestern, Columbia, Syracuse, Scripps and maybe Stanford/Harvard if I somehow have time. I’ve started a lot of them but it’s not my best work. I’m burnt out :(</p>

<p>I feel you about financial aid. I want to apply for outside scholarships but I want to have all of my applications done first. The process never ends :((</p>

<p>I’m also supposed to be applying to Smith but that application isn’t due until January 15, thank goodness! </p>

<p>@nat97xo I’m jealous of your January 15th deadline. Somehow I need to write something amazing by today because my parents are leaving the country and need to pay my application fees (sigh procrastinator problems). I never thought college apps would be this much work. </p>

<p>@tola2015‌ good luck!! is there a chance that they can just give you the credit card info?</p>

<p>@nat97xo I think I’m going to get the essays done today. Literally, the essays just came to me in my sleep. It might not be the “perfect” essay, but I’m just going to be me, and if I get rejected or waitlisted at least I was being honest. At the end of the day, I’ll end up at whatever school God wants me to end up at. </p>

<p>Good luck on your 7 remaining applications though :)</p>

<p>I have 3 more applications to do and they’re for the ivies so idk how I’m gonna pull it off.</p>

<p>Good luck everyone!!!</p>