African American Class of 2015

<p>Good luck to everyone doing college applications!!! :slight_smile:
I’m doing outside scholarship applications right now and these essays (there’s so many for each one) are killing me. Penn is giving me $62,000 a year, no loans (I love my school so much) but I’m trying to cover my work study and expected family contribution so it is really a full ride.
Once again, good luck to everyone doing college apps right now! Message if you want an extra person to read your essay. I’d be happy to help!</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone who got accepted to their ED. I’ve also hear a lot of good news. I got accepted into all 6 of my EA schools.</p>

<p>I’m with you guys about the supplement fatigue. I just found out i’m working 40 hours this week with my only day off tomorrow and I have 5 more essays to do, on top of homework I have yet to start :-S</p>

<p>@tola2015‌ You know you can pay the fee for the application without sending the app or supplements. I sent the questions and fee just so I could get confirmations from the schools I knew I was applying to by Jan 1st before break started and their admissions office was closed. It helps to know all of the other requirements are already their and the only thing left (the essay) is in your control.</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone!
lol today is the day of “at least produce a rough draft!”
Oh and does anyone know of top schools with easy to answer or broad supplemental essays? No “Why x” school pls. My friend told me I should just blanket as many schools as I can and reuse essays where relevant.
Already applying to all ivies (except Dartmouth , Brown & Penn), stanford, duke, and nyu. </p>

<p>@Clarg17 I already submitted the common app for Rice since I had a few waiver. With Brown and Yale, the supplementals are part of their individual applications so I can’t send them without doing the questions first. </p>

<p>Congratulations on getting into your EA schools :)!</p>

<p>Congrats to all during the EA round!</p>

<p>@drblack‌ The only essay for Vanderbilt is the Extra Curricular essay. I used the same one I wrote for Harvard and Stanford in the Vanderbilt app.</p>

<p>I just have Brown, UVA, Columbia, and Johns Hopkins to finish, then I am done!</p>

<p>This thread is so cool! I got into all 8 schools I applied to EA. But I will be attending Uchicago in the fall. They gave me essentially a full ride. $66,000 out of $68,000 in grants and the rest is work study so no loans!!! Even my state school couldn’t beat that</p>

<p>@collegebound1515 congrats on your acceptance and financial aid package! :slight_smile: :)</p>

<p>I can’t stand Vandy, so I’m not going to even bother @emenya‌ </p>

<p>I ended up applying to Duke, HYP, Cornell, Stanford, Columbia, and Hopkins. As soon as I’m done finalizing these apps, I’m not going to even think about anything college related(except FAFSA and CSS) until late March. My whole life has been on pause these last 6 months, so glad to be done with this struggle -_-</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone else. </p>

<p>@tola2015‌ thanks!</p>

I hope you finish all those supplements @emenya as I’ve seen the ones for Columbia and Brown and they’re truly doing the most. Best of luck to you!

By the way, anyone on here doing (or did) the big name scholarships like Ron Brown, Gates, or Questbridge?

I literally just finished Ron Brown and got my Gates completed a few weeks ago. How’s everyone else doing on the process too?

And congrats @Philly2000 and @collegebound1515 for your amazing financial aid packages. This makes me wonder why other low income students don’t even apply to elite private school as the financial aid package my school gave me is essentially better than any merit scholarship I’ve could of earned at a state school.

Happy New Year :slight_smile:

@drblack Happy New Year to you too!! And the rest of you guys/ladies as well.

Happy New Year! And congratulations to everyone who’s been accepted :slight_smile:

@nat97xo I was deferred from U of M as well.

Yes!!! I’m done with all my apps! Victory Yell

Now for this agonizing 3 month wait…

@emenya‌ super congrats! I just have cornell, Stanford, and hopkins.

Ahhh it’s almost over, just have to push through until march.

I got into Caltech (my first choice)! I’ve had people come up to me and straight up say the only reason I got in is because of my race. I’m trying to ignore it, but it’s getting really frustrating. Anyone else experiencing this?

@papaya37‌ sorry to hear that.

rub it in their faces. Buy Caltech shirts and hoodies and wear it every friday or something. Let them be mad and racist :slight_smile:
on a serious note; you don’t need anyone’s approval. You know what you went through and all the hard work you put in to get accepted into Caltech. You made yourself, and your family proud-- That’s all that matters. Everyone else can go to heck.