African American Class of 2015

<p>@basic2015 And lol my mom finds it scary at how fast I read.</p>

<p>@basic2015 Omg how can I forget :slight_smile: you have to read Divergent!! And it’s sequel Insurgent :slight_smile: the third book Allegiant is coming out soon. If you like the hunger games you’ll love this series.</p>

<p>We had a list of books to pick from for AP English. They’re all non fiction and based on American history somehow. It sounds boring but I found a book on the list that’s a murder mystery and reads like a normal fiction book. It’s pretty entertaining but it’s summer and I’m so distractable! Haha I’ve got about 100 pages left. Then I have to write a 3 page paper about how the information in the book affected the formation of the United States and then I have to put together a 10 minute presentation.</p>

<p>Woah Tarheel97!
That’s a long presentation.</p>

Kill me now, but I wasn’t too hot for the hunger games! But I might try. I fell in love with Maya Angelou and Im gonna start reading some Nicki Giovanni too.
Catcher in the Rye is such an easy read. Its just the main characters thought process and Im pretty sure it would be a great book if youre in your feels!</p>

<p>Guys completely off topic but what’s your opinion on relaxed/natural hair?
Im relaxed but I haven’t gotten one in 7 months so Im really considering the transition styles. I spent the majority of my day watching tutorials and reading forums!</p>

The fact that i randomly came across this thread and saw one direction… i just
Btw i loooooooove them its just so hilarious that they were referenced here! Im literally crying!
Zayn is a pretty hot female if i do say so myself. Haha</p>

<p>My teacher actually only gave us three books to choose from! One of them is required while the other two you must choose between.
Required: Death of a Salesman
Optional: In Cold Blood or Fast Food Nation
I chose Fast Food Nation because it had some pictures haha! But I must say its pretty boring and very long.
Every twenty five pages we have to write an entry based on the themes provided and im up to page 150 with much to go! :frowning: We also had to buy a Vocabulary Book that must be completed. Overall my AP English work could be worse.</p>

<p>Welcome fellow Directioner!
Lol did you do a search on 1D!? Welcome to the thread. You can only stay if you’re #TeamZayn or if you’ve mastered the choreography to Best Song Ever. Kidding!
Fast Food Nation sounds like reading a food label. My assignment is really lax but so far I think @Tarheel has the hardest so far.</p>

<p>Again welcome to the thread. So many new posters! So whats your stats Marissa?</p>

<p>@basic2015 Our required book for AP Lang is “Walden”…I actually want to rip my hair out reading this book, it is SOO BORING <em>sigh</em>. We have to choose two other books from a set list, and I chose “Utopia” and “The Intuitionist”, neither which I have started yet…</p>

<p>With the whole natural/relaxed thing, I used to relax my hair, but stopped about 3-4 years ago. My hair would be so flat and dead-looking after it was styled, so I had to quit. I was way too scared to do the Big Chop, so I just let my hair do it thing for a while lol It was kinda difficult to work with with the natural roots + relaxed ends/tips. But my hair is okay now, so it worked out :slight_smile: Right now I have extensions/ a weave lol I used to sort of judge girls that wore weaves, but it is soooo comfortable and easy. Now I can flip my hair like a white girl lol</p>


<p>I have a decent manageable length right now. I wear it down a lot but im sick of the same look and it just isn’t growing. Initially I wasn’t aiming for natural. But Im seven months in and I want to do something different with my hair and I just want it to be healthy. Im thinking about transitioning and then big chopping before senior year. Im doing my first twist out on Wednesday! Super excited :slight_smile: even though it’ll take a few trys.
I’ve never had a weave except for my micros. I don’t wanna mess up my edges!</p>

<p>@basic2015 What I do is, I leave out certain sections of my hair (front, side edges, nape, etc.), and then install the hair. That way, the weave isn’t pulling on them, I can comb/brush/moisturize that hair because its so fragile, and it makes the weave look really natural. Good luck with the twist outs! My friend is going natural, and her turned out very nicely :slight_smile: Do you have any special products that you use for your hair? I use the Creme of Nature Argan Oil Shampoo and Conditioner. They smell delicious and my hair feels good afterwards.</p>

<p>@Bellander it’s not exactly like the hunger games but it’s still super good so please give it a chance lol.</p>

<p>And I haven’t gotten a perm since November… I’ve been braiding my hair with these Brazilian curls so it looks like I have natural puffy hair, and it’s soo easy to maintain as well as a cute look too. I was at a theme park the other day and a little girl stopped me to say how pretty my hair is. Although I’m taking them out today to give my hair a break lol. I use this olive oil spray that smells really good (I literally get compliments from people about the smell) although I can’t remember the name:( I use any shampoo …but I’ve realized that those shampoos aren’t the best for my hair so my little sister is forcing me to use this natural hair shampoo she learned to make (it works because her hair is longer than mine lol).</p>

I might try to find it! My library is so small. :frowning: Might have to go Amazon</p>

<p>@BellLander @Dreamwriter</p>

<p>I’ve just never had weave so I’m a little nervous. What brand of it do you use? The going rate? Where do you get it? </p>

<p>Right now Im in the process of experimenting with new products. Im gonna order the Carol’s Daughter Transition Kit. Im still trying to figure out the wash day routine im thinking…
Pre Poo:
Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Honey treatment for thirty minutes </p>

<p>Wash: (this parts the confusing one to me)
So I need to find a non sulfate shampoo and then a conditioner.</p>

<p>Im so boggled by the wash day process? What do you guys do?</p>

<p>And do you do a leave in conditioner each day?</p>

<p>@basic2015 I’m not sure of the brand I have in right now because my mom bought it from one of my cousins :confused: You can find it in most beauty stores or order it online. In general, the longer the hair, the more it costs. I have three lengths installed right now: 20", 22", and 24". I think the total was around $210? I would do some research online and look for brands with positive reviews + how to take care of the hair. If the hair is properly cared for, it can last about a year. Sorry I can’t be more help, this is my first time having a weave :frowning: </p>

<p>My wash day is pretty simple:
-Comb through/detangle before when my hair is dry (My hair bunches up when it gets wet, so trying to detangle it then is pointless)
-Wash with the Creme of Nature Shampoo (which is sulfate-free, you could try this one)
-Deep condition with the Creme of Nature Conditioner for 10-15 minutes</p>

<p>I got a little lazy with this, but every other day I would use a tailcomb, section out my hair, and apply a moisturizer to my scalp. Then I would just brush it back into a bun, and tie on a scarf. I hear that coconut oil is really good for hair, so I poured about 3 tablespoons coconut oil and some water into an empty spray bottle, and then shook it up. I spray this on my hair that’s not under the weave (front, edges, etc.), gently comb it, then put in rollers before I go to bed. I woke up the next morning and my hair was SO SOFT, and it had no tangles.
I’m really new to this natural thing, but it’s a learning experience :/</p>

<p>Creating threads based on color of skin only exacerbates racism. Just imagine the outcry if I had created “White Aryan Class of 2015!”</p>

Welcome fellow directioner! :slight_smile: haha zayn was such an attractive female. I didn’t know whether to fangirl or be concerned. Lol</p>

<p>I wear my hair in braids because they’re soooo easy to maintain and they help my hair grow. They’re a little bigger than micro braids and they aren’t braided all the way down. I bought long hair so there would be a lot un-braided at the end and I crinkle the ends. I LOVE it. But I think when cross country ends or maybe around prom time I’ll take the braids out and get a relaxer again. When I don’t wear the braids, I get relaxers. My natural hair is complete Afro puff and it wouldn’t look good on me. I have a round face and long hair/ braids helps to kind of elongate it</p>



<p>I really shouldn’t even dignify this comment with a response but here goes. African Americans have lower numbers than whites in America and there is also a smaller amount of blacks that go to college. This thread helps encourage the african American students that are working hard to attend college. It’s no secret that commonly in honors and AP classes there are significantly less black students than white students. This thread helps the high achieving african americans come together and talk about classes and get excited about learning. There are some things about college and high school that are unique to african americans such as deciding to apply to a historically black college or feeling bad about being a black student who does well in school because you get picked on sometimes by other black students who don’t do as well. There isn’t a thread for white students because most of the threads on here have mainly white people posting. There’s a black thread because there aren’t that many black people on this site. It’s the same reason why black history month exists and white history month doesn’t. Every month in school you learn about white history if you’re in a history class. Black people get a special month because our history is often overlooked and not taught. But back to your comment, I don’t see why there couldn’t be a white aryan thread. It’s just a thread on a college prep website. I don’t see why anyone would care that much.</p>

<em>Aggressively researches weave</em>
Do you find that it holds well when working out and playing sports. </p>

Normally try not to dignify ignorant comments with a response. But way to rob the words right out of my head.
No further comment needed. We don’t need drama!</p>

So true. Ignorant people are usually so narrow minded and never change. It’s like talking to a brick wall. The drama really isn’t necessary.</p>

It holds very, very well. Like I mentioned, I run xc and track and I haven’t had any problems. And I tend to comb/brush my hair pretty aggressively lol DEFINITELY get it sewn in, not glued in. The glue wears off and can take your hair with it + it only lasts a couple of days and you can’t wash it.</p>