African-American High School Class of 2018

DD accepted to Yale.

DS was accepted to Drexel, Michigan State, Temple (Tyler School of Art) and Carnegie Mellon ED where he will be attending in the Fall!!!

Notified Drexel, MSU and Temple of his decision not to attend and withdrew applications from Northeaster, Champlain and Hampshire.

Congratulations to all on your accomplishments and best wishes to those of you still waiting!

I’m a bit late, but accepted to Yale SCEA!!

I was accepted to UTD and my state safety schools(Florida International University and Florida Atlantic University).

Now I’m waiting on my admission decisions from XULA and Spelman!!! Spelman sent me an email telling me they sent out envelopes today and I’ll know if I was admitted next Friday. So nerve wracking.

@Iridescentgaze I got the same email!

For anyone who’s familiar with Spelman, I received a big white envelope that only had a viewbook and a letter told me the great things about the school. I’m freaking out this is a rejection letter. Is it? It didn’t downright tell me I was rejected or deferred so I’m hoping it’s a typical promotional mail.

@Iridescentgaze I received the same envelope. I’m pretty sure it’s just promotional mail.

@TACOBOO thank god i’m not alone! I was just freaking out because people were posting under the #Spelman22 on twitter. I shouldn’t even stress because things from ATL usually take 3 business days to get here so Thursday should be my day.

I never spent too much time on this board but I got into Carnegie Mellon for civil and environmental engineering!!

I got my blue envelope from Spelman today!!! The financial aid package was trash and only included my 5,000 dollar pell grant and the rest were loans. I will only go if I get an external full ride scholarship.

My daughter got her blue envelope today, too. Invitation to Honors Program, but no scholarship, just loans. :frowning:

@amalari Spelman is very known as being stingy with their money and partially that has to do with the lack of funding. It’s my dream school, but I refuse to take out a lot of money in loans like most of their students do.

Deferred but not deterred from Yale. Guess I have to wait until April 1.

@Iridescentgaze I’d heard the same about Spelman, but hadn’t realized that there would be no scholarship at all. At this point, Tulane is cheaper for my daughter with her merit scholarship.

I will not allow her to take out large loans - the normal Federal loans are fine and $25k or less is a reasonable amount of debt for a young person to have for their education. When I hear of families taking on $100k+, it hurts my heart. How can students start life that way? You’re quite wise to avoid massive debt.

@WinnerWannabe Big mood dude. Big mood.

I got the same promo viewbook!

Gotten accepted to Towson (MD), Washington & Jefferson (PA), Arcadia (PA), Albright (PA), NCAT, VUU. Waiting to hear from Spelman and Temple.


Regarding loans I remember reading a book titled the Financial Aid Handbook and the one takeaway was the number to keep in mind and that was no more than $28k in total for 4 years or about $7k per year. That is the figure I am using as I review the FA packages for my son. Also, keep in mind for many of you that may be interested in professional schools like Medical, Law or Business school you will most definitely be taking out loans so minimize the loans in undergraduate years.

Hi everyone! I remember seeing this thread two years ago and forgot completely about it. Since then I have been accepted to two NASA programs, Carnegie Mellon SAMS, have been accepted to Widener University and George Mason University, and am currently applying to Carnegie Mellon, Williams, Bowdoin, and Colby. At my school, I am a NASA student ambassador and am currently working a minorities in STEM initiative.

@itsreallymia Was he a SAMS kids?