African-American High School Class of 2018

Is anyone else interested in Spelman or Xavier University of Louisiana? or is anyone else planning to major in biology pre-med?


I love Spelman, but their financial aid is trash.

@Hamlon Are you still considering Pomona? I know you mentioned the consortium before on this thread and I had not given it much thought. Today I ran into a coworker whose daughter is at Pitzer and loves it. He mentioned the consortium and told me we should consider Pitzer because it is also very diverse. Have you visited Pomona? I noticed that both Pomona and Pitzer have fly-ins so I may have S18 look into it but if you have any info to share from what you have heard, please do so.

@magnetnh Yeah, Pomona’s actually my number one choice! I got to visit Pomona because of a Questbridge conference. Classes weren’t in session so we didn’t see much. It’s a very pretty campus. I’m still waiting for the Pomona fly-in app to open though. All the consortium schools target different niches, so it might be helpful to check their websites and even their respective forums on CC.

Anyone else interested in Emory University? That’s my number one choice!!!

My number one is Johns Hopkins but it’s so prestigious I doubt I’ll get in

@avocadojohn i live in MD and JHU is a good school and all, but the surrounding area is not that nice. Try and make a visit to see if you like it!

@Intelligent08 I may not be HS C/O '18 (accidentally clicked on this while browsing the topic; I guess it’s luck), I am an incoming freshman at Emory, so if you have any questions while you’re filling out the application feel free to PM me. I’ll be glad to help. Emory is a great school so best of luck!

@ Hamlon were you able to check out the other consortium schools? If so what was Pitzer like? My coworker loves it for and so does his D. I am in the Northeast and doubt that I will be able to visit. Hopefully S18 will place in the fly in and get to check it out. Up until that coworker suggested the school there were no schools in his list outside of the Northeast. But I think it may be wise to cast a wider net. I think you may have mentioned Wesleyan at one point? Is it still on your list?

@avocadojohn Keep a positive attitude now, you will need it during the application cycle!

@magnetnh No, I only got to see Pomona. The consortium schools are ridiculously nearby though. I’m talking a 10-15 minute walk to the farthest school. Definitely tell your son to apply to the fly-in program. Tell him to look up youtube videos. I’m not sure about Wesleyan. It’s on my list for regular decision and I’m applying to its fly-in program, but I’ve heard so little about it.

@Hamlon wrote

Wesleyan University is one of the last remaining small New England liberal arts colleges that typified American higher education with the founding of Harvard College in 1636. Despite its name, Wesleyan resisted the “university movement”, based largely on a model developed in Germany, that swept America in the mid-nineteenth century. It chose to remain small and eschewed the acquisition of graduate and professional schools, eventually finding itself closely allied with a cadre of similarly disposed, largely all-male, colleges that included, Amherst, Williams, Bowdoin, and Dartmouth. By the mid-1950s, an informal athletic conference had formed around round-robin play between the old Pentagonal Conference (minus Dartmouth which eventually grew large enough to string together teams against the Ivy League) and a half-dozen other northeastern private colleges. This league became formalized in 1970 and became known as NESCAC (the New England Small College Athletic Conference.) By the mid-seventies, all of NESCAC had become co-educational.

Wesleyan’s history is notable for its swift growth in the years following World War II, nearly tripling in enrollment and acquiring an admirable reputation across the board in the arts and sciences. And, despite its long resistance, Wesleyan began awarding doctoral degrees in a limited number of fields in the early 1960s, including, math, biology, chemistry, physics, molecular biology-biochemistry and ethnomusicology. Living alumni include, filmmakers Michael Bay and Joss Whedon, New England Patriots coach Bill Bellichick, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, and Tony-award winners Lin-Manuel Miranda and Thomas Kail (“Hamilton”.)

@circuitrider Thanks! Do you know much about Wesleyan’s campus and social environment?

I loved Poussey!! Are you watching season 5? I’m about to binge watch it in 3…2…1…

@Hamlon asked:

Wesleyan occupies a hilltop campus that overlooks the riverfront city of Middletown. It is a virtual museum of every American architectural style you can think of, from the antebellum mansions along its main thoroughfare, High Street, to the whimsical post-modernism of its College of Film and the Moving Image (CFMI.)

Wesleyan was an early adaptor of affirmative action and has already enrolled second-generation African-American and Latin-x “legacy” students among its incoming classes. The Class of 2020 was 9% African-American, 12% Latino/Hispanic and 20% Asian/Asian American. Fifteen percent of last year’s freshmen were first-generation attendees at a four-year college.

In addition to its distinction as a traditional liberal arts college, Wesleyan has achieved an unusual reputation as an incubator of future performing artists; the folk group, The Highwaymen (“Michael Row the Boat Ashore”), the boy band, MGMT (“Kids”), female singer, Santigold, actors Bradley Whitford (“Transparent”) and the aforementioned, Lin-Manuel Miranda, were already jamming and performing while young undergraduates. There are numerous weekend venues for live performances including, the Westco Café, the Red and Black Café, Music House and Alpha Delta Society. Needless to say, theater is also very big.

As such, Wesleyan presents an unusual admixture of competitive small college athletics (it was Little Three champion in football, men’s lacrosse and crew this past academic year) and “artsy”, progressive LAC. Its social and physical center is a stadium-shaped slope in the middle of campus that serves as a place to both “see and be seen” on mild Autumn and Spring days as well as the perfect spot from which to view outdoor concerts and sporting events. For many people, weekends begin on Thursday and perhaps earlier, if you include pub crawl nights for seniors over 21. Drug use is widely assumed although you probably have to dig fairly deep to find harder stuff than pot.

@aspiringgirl I dont have Netflix anymore, but that hasn’t stopped me in the past :stuck_out_tongue:
@circuitrider Thank you!!

@Hamlon I can hook you with my family account if you want.

Aww, thanks @univbound101 !

Hey everyone I just discovered this thread!

Quick get to know me
I’m an AA girl from South Florida
I’m a big fashion lover and founded the fashion club at my high school
Blogger for a popular social activism blog
President of my equality/feminism club
Huge music and dog lover

How’s everyone’s summer going? I’m currently just focusing on my dual enrollment classes(Intro to business, world religions and intro to ethics), working and studying for the SAT and ACT in the fall

What is the name of the blog? I’m an activist!

This summer I am doing research with NIH, studying from the ACT and princess duties.