African-American HS Class of 2020


Not sure how much or little to include but wanted to contribute since this is such a safe and welcoming atmosphere. :relaxed:

Female / 26 yr old / First Gen / Fall 2020 Transfer
GPA: 3.8
ACT: 28 / E: 32, R: 31, S: 30, M: 20 (no test prep - decided on schools that required this kind of last minute)
Preferred Major: Public Policy
EFC 001543
CA Resident
Applying: SFSU (accepted), UCD (TAG approved), UCB, UCSD, Stanford, Duke, UNC CH, Vanderbilt and University of Richmond (replaced Georgetown a couple days ago)
Top 4: Duke, UNC CH, Vanderbilt, University of Richmond (gorgeous campus, like wow beautiful for a nature lover such as myself)

My main criteria for selecting schools was to first check for the specific major I wanted, graduation and retention rates, student body and staff diversity (preferably at least 5%+ URM for undergraduates) and see if financial need would be met. Location was also a factor. Would love to move out of CA, rent is outrageous, but also be within a 3 hour or less drive to NC or TN. Have strong family support systems in both states.
mainly why Georgetown was crossed off, not even sure what attracted me to it besides name recognition now that I think about it

If anyone is curious I did consider HBCU but there were only a couple in desired locations. Three reasons I didn’t pursue them: 1.) Prefer 80%+ graduation and retention rates. 2.) Appeared financial aid would be insufficient. 3.) Majority URM population isn’t a mandatory factor, interested in diversity of all types. Schools I chose appear to have a decent variety of organizations and clubs that embrace diversity.

Feel free to offer advice or simply say hello. Wishing all of you success on your individual or DS/DDs journeys!

@Sarrip Congratulations to you DD. I bet you are probably more nervous than she is. Please let us know how it goes:)

Boys are so different. So far we have bought a tote and a trunk to put things in. Besides a new computer monitor and some sheets/comforter, my son says that’s all he needs to go to college.

Welcome to the thread and congratulations on such a stellar academic record. You have a great list of schools and this must be an exciting time as you wait for your admissions decisions.

The one piece of advice that I give students once they are trying to decide on a school is to look for FIT from a cultural, academic, social, and financial perspective that provide ample resources and maximizes future opportunities. We are rooting for you?

@ChangeTheGame thank you! Congratulations on your sons acceptance. :slight_smile: He must be extremely excited to start his educational journey at such a wonderful school. Out of curiosity did you have any trouble with letters of recommendation, if they were required? This was one of the more frustrating aspects of the process and I’m not sure if I handled it correctly. In my case it was hard to not only figure out who to ask but how since majority of my courses were taken online with very little personal interaction and the few I could find offered at night were over three years ago.

When I asked the counselor how to go about this I was told, “Just ask anyone.” Gee thanks! Super helpful :neutral: I preferred to have recommendations from professors that were relevant to my major so I sent a polite request on 12/23/19 to a political science professor from Spring 2019 and econ professor from Fall 2019. Both responded enthusiastically and stated they were happy to help support. The political science professor submitted her letter within a week. But she’d asked me for some specific details about my background, deadline dates, 10 year outlook, career goals and other things she thought would help her write a more personalized letter. Which I sincerely appreciated bc this was new to me and I had no idea how it worked. I also sent a copy of the information to the econ professor on 12/28/19. No response. Not a problem I’ll be patient. She teaches quite a few classes each semester. I sent a courteous follow up inquiry on 01/20/20, still no reply. I sent a final inquiry 02/15/20 because I wanted to submit applications with all the pertinent information on file and really don’t like to do things last minute. (of course I didn’t mention any of this in the email) Not a word.

Finally, I decided ok this isn’t going to work and asked a sociology professor from Spring 2019. He was thrilled to help, submitted the letter within a week and I was so thankful. But I’m wondering if I should have given the econ professor more time perhaps? Not really sure if this is the norm for trying to secure recommendation letters or how much time is too much for sitting in limbo.

I think you did it the right way. When my son needed 2 recommendations, he would normally ask at least a month (preferred 6 week notice) in at advance and would send a 1 week warning and a 1 day warning. He got to the 1 day warning 2 times. He always had 1 backup recommendation ready from a teacher who has written multiple recommendations for him over the years and was always ready to help him in a pinch. He had to use his backup recommendation once.

My son always sent an academic resume to his teachers providing the recommendations along with a short recap of his time in their class. My daughter in college follows similar guidelines, but she sends more follow up emails since most of her college professors try to complete recommendation requests within 2 weeks.

I hope you realize that you are a hero and role model @SatanFlower69, because although I do not know you, I can tell from the brief intro that your story is one of persistence. That trait alone will take you a long way in this world??

@ChangeTheGame that is so nice to hear, I appreciate the encouraging words.

Your children are really blessed to grow up in such a nurturing and supportive environment. I didn’t have that for the majority of my young life but I’m determined to not repeat the same cycle with my kids, if I choose to have any later. :slight_smile: You’re doing a fantastic job and I’m certain both your son and daughter will accomplish great things.

New to this thread but not new to the forum as I went through this with my daughter six years ago as well. My DD was just accepted today at Morehouse and we are ecstatic. We are waiting on two more decisions, Howard and Auburn (my daughter’s alma mater). He has already been accepted to MTSU and UPIKE and is a student-athlete.

Congratulations to you all. This is my last one so I will be an empty nester come August.

Is anyone planning any special celebrations (party, vacation, sendoffs) for your graduate?

@crvng4mr - Welcome to the thread. Congratulations to your son. I too am going to be an empty nester even though we have had somewhat of a head start with boarding school. This is a new journey for parents and young adults alike.

I always do a graduation dinner with everyone who has helped make this possible (our village) at a restaurant. Then I do a big vacation as my children always are turning 18 within 30 days of their graduation as well.

Thank you. Good for you! Yes it is a new journey and really is such a special one.

Our DD birthday is a little over a week after her graduation as well.
So DD20 graduation is May 23rd and she also has to be moved out. We are leaving to go on a Journeys Cruise on May 25th. I know, really tight given that her school is in Massachusetts and the ship is leaving from NYC. We just have to plan ahead, This year is also DH and I’s 20th anniversary. But it’s in September so we can’t really plan anything until we know her decision and the school schedule. .

I completely understand that more than you know. It can be accomplished with as you said planning ahead. When my DD graduated high school I had 2 Chinese exchange students living with us, four birthdays (one was 18th), new freshman weekend at Auburn, graduation, and our Europe trip all within a 2.5 week period. Got through it with lots of planning and having the trip as the last item allowed us to really enjoy it with less stress. Congratulations on both graduating DDs.

I, too, completely understand! My S was set to graduate on my my big birthday, the EXACT day. And then our family was taking off for a celebratory graduation/big birthday Europe trip. I’d planned for years. He was a student-athlete whose team made NCAA Regionals, ended up getting his degree conferred in a “faux graduation” with the rest of the many seniors on the team in a whole other state AND didn’t get to go on the Europe trip due to his dream job starting days after Regionals. Talk about an emotional ride! But the trip for the rest of us was GREAT!

We planned a big family trip to celebrate D20’s graduation. We were going to spend 2 weeks in Spain, France, and Italy. I’m honestly not sure what we are going to do now with the coronavirus spreading. I need to call the travel agent to get her thoughts. UGH. What a nightmare!

@ProfSD I’m Spanish myself. Maybe you should stay in Spain because not many cases reported. In Spain you have so many cities to visit. Barcelona, Madrid, Sevilla, San Sebastián… My oldest daughter is going to Spain in a week or so. If you get sick going to the dr is extremely cheap. My two cents.

And we’re going to Barcelona the whole family in July, by then, I’m hoping everything will be back to normal.

@Holayetsf Good point. I was already thinking of ditching Italy anyway, given the large number of cases in Florence.

You all are so supportive of one another I just had to get a thread for DD class of 2021 going. I’m hoping it’s as helpful as this one has been even for a parent of a 2021 DD. Good luck to you all.

I find this thread to be the safest place here on CC. For a while I was somewhat addicted to CC but recently found it very easy to wean myself off and visit this thread, do a quick glance at the latest posts and be done, March is next week and we should have a flurry of activity coming up. I’m so excited for everyone!

I’m excited for the next few weeks too, even though D20 is already done. LOL
It’s been so nice taking this journey together, without the judgment and snippy comments that are often prevalent on other threads. I can’t wait to see where everyone ends up. It’s so wonderful to hear the reports of all the students that already have such great options due to EA and rolling acceptances. And the merit offers seem to keep rolling in. Deep breaths for everyone still waiting. You’re in the home stretch!