African-American HS Class of 2020

@MomOfThree80. Congratulations to your daughter. That is a tremendous accomplishment and blessing. Maybe your daughter and @ChangeTheGame’s son will meet each other. That would be something. Our journey continues. We filed a formal appeal at one school for additional merit scholarships. I have been praying everyday for that to be successful. We went ahead and released some of the other schools because I know there are kids on waitlists and I just felt it was the right thing to do. Still researching scholarships and found a few with an April 30 deadline so trying to get that done. Looking forward to the end of the month when hopefully we will all be in a better place regarding the coronovirus as well.

I am so glad to have found this thread. The information and support has been invaluable.

Congratulations @MomOfThree80 !! This is a huge achievement @ChangeTheGame has guided many along the Karsh process.

@holychild I’m going to message you some scholarships I found nationally with April/May deadlines.

It is funny you say that, @holychild, because @MomOfThree80 and I figured out a few months ago that our kids already know one another. It is amazing how small the world is.

@havingfunyet . Thank you so much for the information. @ChangeTheGame . That is funny.
Happy Resurrection Sunday. !!

You’re welcome @holychild! To @ChangeTheGame and @MomOfThree80, I hope to see you all soon in D.C.

@holychild @havingfunyet Thank you. This thread has truly been a blessing. I didn’t come across the website till DDs second semester of junior year. I wish it had been sooner. But better late than never.

@havingfunyet @ChangeTheGame DD said there’s a HU Must Know Playlist on Twitter she downloaded. Frankie Beverly and Maze is on there, so that’s a good sign?. Hope to see you all soon.

@trippfolsom I was just thinking about your scholarship situation. Do you have a 529? Can you ask the scholarships to contribute to your 529 as set up for graduate school? Just a thought.

@havingfunyet THANK YOU for the idea. I am going to to tell my daughter to ask those scholarships to provide this as an option. This is why I love this group so much!

@trippfolsom It doesn’t hurt to ask…

Hey Folks! If you have a community college student in your family this scholarship can help for the last 2 years at 40K a year.
My friend in the neighborhood has a a son that is a seminfinalist who will know this month whether he will receive funding to go to UCLA or UDub.

At Howard, I don’t think that a party is official unless “Before I Let Go” by Frankie Beverly and Maze is played. Now that my son is officially going to Howard (My son chose the Karsh STEM Scholarship over Howard’s Presidential Scholarship), I told him that he has to at least learn the chorus?? (I am not worried about him, but he might make his parents look bad LOL)

Hey @Sarrip, @EconPop, @goneaway, @GarnetTide, @collegeready33, @crvng4mr and any other posters who have not given the school that you or your loved one is attending, are there any updates?

[quote=“ChangeTheGame, post:412, topic:2063319”]

@ChangeTheGame - Well, my daughter is not quite ready to bite the bullet. She knows what she wants but is having trouble deciding between that and what makes more sense. I give her a lot of credit because she appealed on her own and then went back with a very grateful, thankful letter asking for additional considerations. I asked her if she can just let go of 3 of the remaining 6 and she doesn’t want to just yet. It may come down to the bitter end. We have had as much of a discussion as we can without just choosing for her. Three full tuition scholarships and 3 schools (2 Ivy, 1 Elite) that meet full demonstrated need where the total COA/out of pocket is not much different than the full tuition schools. I do believe that there are 2 obvious forerunners but she is at a stalemate. WooSah…Will keep you posted :smiley:

Mini update.

Accepted: UCD, UCSC, UCB (today) ~ sticking with UCD, honestly I’ve never been a fan of UCB but its in the area.
Rejected: University of Richmond, UNC CH (spoke with admissions counselor who stated being oos and applying to an impacted major were contributing factors to rejection)
Waiting: UCSD, Georgetown (had an awesome 45 min interview, glad I completed the application process), Duke, Vanderbilt, Stanford

I’m more than content with UCD but if by some miracle Georgetown or Duke accepts me I’d say yes in a heartbeat! If not there’s always grad school since I’ve decided I definitely want to go. ? Honestly the thought of that level of debt is daunting but I’ve started to think of it as an investment in myself and future.

Hope everyone is staying safe and taking care of one another!

DS has chosen Morehouse just yesterday. It was driving me crazy!!! The whole time he was talking as if it was Morehouse but not verbally committing. Now I just heard from a very reliable source that there will be no fall or spring semester at either Morehouse or Spelman. I really hope this isn’t true and maybe it’s just the fall semester.

Just when I was ready to celebrate!

@SatanFlower69, I wanted you to know that I didn’t forget you during my “shoutout”, but I knew you had not received all of your decisions. But I am so happy for the update and can not wait to hear about those final schools. UCD is a fabulous acceptance and you are playing with “house money” with those remaining schools. We are rooting for you.

@Sarrip, my son was afraid of exactly what your daughter is going through. I think that this process may be harder on us parents, because we know what we want for our kids (and possibly what is best), but our votes do not mean much once the finances are approved. At least that is how it worked with both of my kids.

@crvng4mr My wife was rooting silently for Morehouse for our own son and it didn’t go her way. Congratulations! I think that is hard to predict what happens in the fall. If an effective treatment comes along for the serious cases of Covid-19, maybe the outcome (more online classes) won’t be so severe.

@ChangeTheGame From my understanding this person was saying there would not be any classes (even online) for the entire year. I really hope this person is wrong.

I am so excited for all our seniors but at the same time a bit crushed since they are not getting the same type of senior year send offs.

No decision yet, but updates are trickling in.

With prompting from me, several schools are reviewing and increasing FinAid offers. In the last 7 days, without prompting from me, a couple initiated contact with us and said they had decided on their own to increase the amount of FinAid. That surprised me because those two schools had already made incredibly generous offers.

I don’t want to provide too many details yet, just to make sure I don’t mess up any potential full-ride offer.

Son is still holding out hope for a couple of universities that I don’t believe will bridge the gap enough. I don’t know if his persistence will ultimately pay off, but it looks like needle is moving on two financial reaches. The dean of the department he’s applying to contacted us and pointed to scholarship opportunities. a FinAid officer said she might be able to tap an untapped resource or two. A professor said she’d talk to the music department to wrangle a music scholarship if my son agrees to join one of the bands.

It would be nice to know today, but with updated offers coming in every two or three days, it really looks like we won’t know until May 1.

It’s great to hear all the updates. We are still down to three schools. Waiting on the results of one appeal and participating in accepted student events at all three. I am hopeful that by the end of next week we will have an answer and can make a decision. I am on the parent Facebook pages of all three as well. There is a wealth of information to be gained from the other parents.

Amazing updates everyone… @holychild, I was thinking your child had committed. I guess that our “family” of posters has gotten to the point where am losing track of what’s going on.

I am going to have to reach out to my large circle of Morehouse alums and see if they are hearing anything. An entire year without any classes could financially cripple a school as capital project payments, tenured professors, administrators and maintenance of the grounds would still need to be paid. But even doing online classes would be at a loss for most schools. I can tell you from my own Morehouse experience that being on that campus and in those classes make up the “Morehouse Mystique”. It can not be replicated online so I hope to say “Bye to Rona” before we get to fall semester so your son gets the true experience.