African-American HS Class of 2020

Thanks @BenniesMom1.

Duquesne and Dayton are both in the A-10 conference, so they’ll play each other regulary in all sports. It should be fun for them to watch the games.

Hey you Guys…Just stopping by to say hi. I miss you guys. Any news about whether or not your DC will be attending college virtually or residentially? Princeton will not be releasing that info for a few more weeks.

Hi @Sarrip . U Dayton announced last week that things will be as close to normal as the state government will allow. They didn’t say it quite like that, but that’s how I understood it. They are still planning on double rooms. In fact, my son is currently assigned a triple.

Among the biggest changes my son doesn’t like regards the cafeterias. There will be no self-serve beverages and no self-serve food either. The university says they want all students to wear masks whenever they are out of their dorm room, or suite – they can take off the mask upon entering another dorm room, but not in the hallways or apparently walking across campus. I think that’s going to be a hard rule to enforce 100%. I remember being in college and our entire floor was treated almost like a house, with half the room doors being open all day except when we were sleeping.

It seems most classes under a certain enrollment will be in person, with professors being allowed to conduct on-line classes if they feel at higher risk. So I assume a couple of older professors might choose to do on-line classes. We’re trying to find out who the older professors are that might be teaching classes my son is set to take, and he’ll try to ensure he signs up for other professors.

My son wants to play a club sport, but that is a more uncertain proposition. It looks like UD will do all they can to allow club sports, but other schools will have to do the same and who knows if enough will allow their students to participate. Oh, and the nice student gym is currently without a plan. It would be a shame if that’s closed.

And of course, everything said to date is subject to change drastically at any time. :neutral:

Hey, everyone! Hope you and your families are staying safe and healthy. What a crazy past few months.

@Sarrip, you read my mind. I was planning to post to this thread tonight and see how everyone is doing. The more I read and (sometimes) post on other threads, the more I miss this one. It’s rare to find a place on CC where people are so supportive and cheer on each other’s kids. Lots of sniping and elitism on some of the other threads, and people openly critiquing what they feel are poor parenting tactics. It’s really out of control.

D20 is thrilled she will be on campus in the fall. Hamilton released their plan last Thursday, and students are all invited back to campus. We weren’t completely surprised because in March they announced they were building modular housing to help with social distancing. This is one instance where I think it helps to be in a rural area with a lot of land. Upstate NY’s Covid numbers have been really good so they have the green light to open. The NE was hit hard in March and April, but the benefit is we already had our peak and came back down to a reasonable level. Here is Hamilton’s plan, if anyone is interested in seeing how some colleges are planning for the fall:

As @EconPop mentions, this is subject to change if circumstances change. Crossing my fingers! It was a rough spring of senior year for D (and all seniors). She didn’t take the loss of senior week, senior ball, DECA nationals, etc. very well. Looking forward to leaving for college has been the one bright spot.

@ProfSD, with everything going on in the world, the last thing we need is the drama of the CC boards. I have not been on here since our last posts. I unsubscribed to everything except this group. Myself and @BenniesMom1 have managed to connect on what my 80+ year old uncle calls “the book of faces” ?. The door is open for anyone else who would like to do likewise, just message me.

@EconPop -I am not surprised about the meals. I expected box meals or preordered meals.

My DD took missing all the festivities fairly well but of course there was disappointment with missing so many celebratory events but we celebrated as best we could. I’m just hoping that she can go to campus. If not our alternate plan is to do some shifting of rooms (she is the only one left at home) here at home so that her classroom space can be separate from her bedroom space. She will not be deferring or going to community college. Thus is going to be an unpredictable ride but one that will build resilience.

We did go on a corona-cation. We rented a 4 bed, 4 bath condo in Delaware on the water to celebrate DD graduation, birthday, nuclear family reunion and for a change in quarantine scenery to replace our canceled cruise. It was amazing and so much needed. Trying to think of where else I can take a road trip to in the fall after DD is hopefully dropped off at school. .

@Sarrip, I completely understand about stepping back from CC. I have been in read-only mode for a couple of weeks now. I considered not responding to your post here today, but I have to admit I was so thrilled to see this thread come back to life that I felt like this would be a welcome thread to break my exile – but only here. It’s not worth it to me, for now, to participate in other threads.

I’ve been thinking about doing a short-term rental somewhere for me and the kids. It helps that the epidemic has driven prices down. It would be great to get away at the beach for a few days. I’m glad you were able to get your family away for that. I know you all had a great time together.

I don’t really have a plan for what would happen if UDayton ended residential life and sent students home for an extended time. Like you, I wouldn’t dream of having my student defer or transfere to CC classes. That’s fine for anyone who chooses it, but it wouldn’t work for us. However, unlike you, I haven’t planned or arranged a separate on-line class space yet.

I hope it doesn’t come to that.

@EconPop - I consider this thread a safe place. A place where I could always come to be open, get input and know that I would be encouraged and uplifted, never dealing with competition, attitude or just plain nastiness. The truth is that there are so many 'experts" here on CC that know everything! Sometimes I find it difficult to not respond to some of their crazy posts so I just decided to remove myself. Today I took a short look at the newest posts but I have now immersed myself in DD’s college social media and parents groups. They have their fair share of conflict but nothing like CC.

I have to say this group has the most positive and supportive parents of any of the college confidential groups. I too have been taking a break from all the negative posting on this site. Thank you to the parents on this thread for your support as we all navigate the college experience together!

@Sarrip I wanted to let you know that I love my DS quilt. I’ve not presented it to him yet, but it came out lovely.


I hope you all are well. Please stay safe as we navigate our DC’s next steps.

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Ah, my favorite thread on CC has had some posts. I have been “on hiatus” as well to recharge and it is good to see updates from some of my favorite posters. My son is taking 2 virtual classes at Howard and enjoying his cohort of scholars in a way that makes me excited because I see him coming out of his “shell”. He has always been an introverted loner type, but he has begun to open up for the 1st time. Howard is taking an hybrid approach, but the President admits that this a fluid situation, so I am hoping that our nation is able to get a better hold on Covid-19.

I am good with Howard cutting checks to my kids so that I don’t have too? But seriously, sharing what I have learned is the least I could do. One day, I hope to fund a scholarship that gives back more than what we have received as a family.

@ProfSD, I know you must be so excited… I looked at your link and Hamilton looks very prepared. Now we just have to make it to our children’s drop-offs without more changes.

@Sarrip Thank you for sharing so much. Your posts about your DD’s journey and final school choice was definitely one of my favorites. Your love and sacrifices for your DD come through in every post.

@EconPop You represent the best of us, my friend. I have been in awe of your knowlegde and skill navigating the college admissions process. Thank you for dropping knowledge and for advocating and teaching your DS how to advocate for himself. You are a role model.

So true about the positive vibes on this thread. It looks like a lot of us took a break from CC recently. I realize that I really want to learn more and help kids. I want to help all kids, but especially kids who are disadvantaged and kids who look like my own who tend to have less guidance. I think that I have not done enough of that and I have spent more time explaining my particular story as a Black man (maybe that helps a little, but it is not my reason for being a CC member).

I know I will ask you all how your kids are doing from time to time. Stay safe.

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Hi all. Just popping on to say hi and check in. I was late to this thread’s party but my niece is about to go through this “process” and I’m the somewhat un-willing consultant :wink: Anyway, I was just posting on the music schools/coronavirus thread and thought I’d stop by and give an update. Since I’m not about unnecessarily reinventing the wheel… Copying and pasting. It’s my thing :wink:

Interesting to read the different plans the schools have for returning in the Fall. So here’s what’s going on at our end of things. This was in response to a group of parents I’m in and one of them asked if anybody’s kid was considering deferring this year.

Bennie has 18 credits scheduled (the faculty and advisors are working with him to make sure he can get both degrees in 4 years ! - He was in several zoom meetings last week! They’ve all been awesome !) All but 4 of his credits are music classes which are all in person, small classes, in the access required only Music school - No entry unless you’re a music major/minor. Generally, these classes would be small anyway. There are a total of 51 new music students, including transfer students, across all disciplines, Only his core classes ( research skills and creative writing) are offered as a hybrid model. He’ll decide which way to go . They’re taking “living learning centers “ to a new level . ALL incoming freshman music majors are being housed in the same dorm, have their classes together and even sounds like cafeteria time together - sounds more like a boarding school than college but we’ll take it. (not sure what the rest of the student population is doing. Our info has been coming directly from the Music School. Nothing yes from Residence Life). I think their thought process is to keep a community ( the music majors ) living and learning together as a “family”, thus keeping things contained . Will see how that works with teenagers and compliance. Deferring is NOT an option as he would have to go through the audition process again next year to get admittance back into the music school . He can defer acceptance into the university but not the music school ? Audition process was brutal and I don’t blame him for not wanting to go through that again next year, though it makes sense that they’d need to do it to make sure the students have kept up with their skills. So as it stands, seems like a decent first year college experience sans many of the activities which he probably wouldn’t have participated in anyway ? . ALL ensembles , some broken down into smaller ensembles , are still a go as is studio time . That makes him AND this Momma happy. Of course it’s a fluid situation so we’ll see what actually happens . If ALL classes were online , I would definitely encourage him to defer.

THEN, speaking of fluid situations, today he got this letter, which was the first time we heard of a “what if” plan. So, there is that!!

Dear Incoming Students,

Welcome to the Duquesne School of Music! I am the coordinator for the group piano program at Duquesne. Here is what you will need for the upcoming semester in group piano. All students in the group piano classes will need a semester subscription to This is our online workbook that has all of the assignments and scores you will use for the class. The subscription may be purchased directly from the website or you may purchase a code from the bookstore. I recommend purchasing this ahead of time and reviewing the preparatory units A-E, especially if you have not yet had any keyboard experience. All students will need to bring their own headphones to class, and a specific type of headphones will be recommended by our tech department so hopefully you will not need an adapter to connect to the keyboards. It is highly recommended that students purchase their own 88-key weighted keyboard for practice outside of the School of Music should we need to transition to completely remote learning. It is also recommended that you bring your own device (laptop/tablet recommended) to class to read scores from enovative piano to avoid using the lab computers.

For those of you who have had some significant keyboard experience and would like to consider placing out of a semester of group piano, the attached document outlines the requirements for testing out of each semester of group piano. I will be sending out an online sign up for placement exams which will happen during orientation week. If you have any questions about the attached requirements, please feel free to contact me. Keep in mind that only Group Piano I and III are offered in the fall semester, and Group Piano II and IV are offered in the sprin

They haven’t confirmed the housing situation as yet and not sure if he’s going to be WITH his roommate or not, but if they need to execute “Plan B” , t’would certainly be interesting having two keyboards in the little dorm room AND managing practice time if they have roommates. From the complaints on the parents board from the juniors and seniors, it looks like they’ve been forced to find apartments to accommodate social distancing for the Freshman and Sophomore. From that regard, it sounds like they’re doing single rooms. We shall see !! On the home front, he’s still taking lessons (still via Zoom cause UD hasn’t opened their offices or given professors access) , working full-time and starting to pack. Even with things opening up, his Graduation was still virtual - we had much fun with that (how many times did we rewind them calling his name and walking across the stage and making much noise?? I lost count… it was fun!! ) after a surprise graduation parade I organized for him. Best . Thing. Ever. About 30 decorated cars with posters in the neighborhood parade… friends he hadn’t seen in a while, teachers, administrators… Biggest and Best surprise of his life. Lots of tears and laughter. Mommy Win for sure!! Watched the virtual ceremony with family (about 30 or so…) with the grilled fired up and having a barbecue with food and drinks flowing. It was “special”. After it all, my kid said… You know what Mom? “I preferred this whole virtual scenario MUCH better than an actual boring graduation.” AND he got his wish of wanting to play at his own graduation: The recording of Pomp and Circumstance which was played during the virtual graduation was from last year’s graduation when he was in the pit with his ContraBass. It was the icing on the cake to a wonderful celebration!!

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I am so glad you are happy with it. Since my kids were not sentimental about their tees, I combined their tees and made a quilt for myself and I love it and use it everyday while I lounge since people in my house like it cold and I freeze :smile: . I’m sure your DS will LOVE it!!!

I haven’t been on here much either. DD school is going to have some classes in person and some online. They are planning to reopen with restrictions. We are sending her. I am busy buying dorm stuff. Multiple trips to Target as I am also stocking up on sanitizing wipes and only allowed one each trip. @Sarrip I got the blanket from project repat. I was very happy with it and so was she. It will be great having sucha wonderful remainder of home and past experiences when she goes away. I am so happy we chose the closer school. We took a drive up and it was less than two hours away. I did’nt realize how close it was to NJ. There is a Walmart close by and the little town was nice but a little dead given the pandemic and lack of students.

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Hey all ?My DS winded up having virtual and drive thru ceremonies and our family did a small car parade in front of the house which was really nice.

He just got news yesterday of Duke move-in days(finally) aug 7-10, and news that all freshman will have singles. But we still dont know what dorm he will have, or bed size since it depends on what dorm he gets, should know by the 20th.
Duke has been really good with communication though, we get updates frequently. students get tested at move-in and must isolate in their room for 48 hrs afterward and agree not to leave the city until the end of fall semester which is around Thanksgiving.

I cant believe in less than a month he wont be home. ?

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My DD received her move in week at American as August 16-20. All freshman will be in a single like almost every other university in the country. DD’s school has been excellent with weekly communication. During this time of Covid, we have been busy watching dorm makeover Youtube videos and picking the color scheme for her room. As I said earlier, you all are my favorite feed in college confidential and I will be forever grateful for finding this thread. Have a great summer and can’t wait to hear from all of you, your move in stories!

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Speaking of move in, Princeton has already announced that students can have only 1 person move her in as they are keeping visitors to the campus at a minimum . DD wants me to be the one but doesn’t want to hurt DH feelings. He is aware of the rule and said that we will discuss more as we get closer. FYI… i’m going :wink: . The siblings have already been forewarned and understand but are disappointed that they won’t be able to see baby sis off.

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For those interested, feel free to check out this thread and comment:

Hello Team, Just here to say, we will get through this. Stay safe.

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Drove my son to Dayton for move-in. Everything went smoothly. He presented his c19 test and was allowed to skip the quarantine dorm.

He’s met some people but not many. Because of the extended move-in for c19, only a fraction of the students have moved in yet. That’s good because it allows him to acclimate to the campus layout without a rush of people being around. And it makes it easier to get his books and see his advisor.

Though he knew college was going to be different than HS, he is getting into the swing of meeting people from different states. That part hadn’t quite sunk into his brain before he got there. He thought he’d meet a lot of people from Ohio, and he has, but he’s meeting just as many people from other places. From Chicago, PA, MA, TX further west and elsewhere.

He’s a little bored and is ready for classes to begin. Fortunately, the Business School has a few zoom meetings set up over the next few days to have his cohort meet each other and their senior advisor. He’s excited about that.

So far, he’s called a couple of times a day. He forgot this and needs me to send it - the cost of packing 10 hours before we left. He asked what to do about the kid next door practicing his tuba all day. He told me about his extended walks around and off campus.

And what the hey? Public virtual schooling starts on Monday? I’ve spent so much time getting him ready for college, I haven’t done nearly enough for D24 and D26. Ack!

I was planning to drive to pick him up for the semester break, but that 8-hours one-way is making me reconsider. And now that the cost of flights have decreased again, I might end up flying him back. Hmmm, maybe I should buy that ticket now to lock in the low price?

Just moved D into Hamilton on Monday. Because we live in MA, she did not need to quarantine in NY for 14 days in advance. She received a test kit in the mail a week before moving in, and then was tested upon arrival on Monday. She received her test result (negative) in 24 hours. She now has to get on a regular testing schedule though an app that also tracks students for tracing purposes.

H and I have been EXTREMELY impressed with Hamilton these past months. Back in May they started building modular housing to de-densify, upgraded HVAC and ventilation in academic buildings/classrooms, and all students were invited back to live in singles or doubles. The move-in process on Monday did not disappoint.

As we drove up the hill to campus, upper-class RAs and OLs lined the route to the drive thru testing and registration, holding up welcoming signs and waving and cheering. (Before anyone asks, they were socially distanced and all had on masks.) It was such a warm welcome! President Wippman was at the testing site to greet each car (from an appropriate distance) as they arrived, and everything was organized and seamless. We all stayed in the car the entire time (with masks on) while D was tested, checked in, and received her keys and ID. They had cones and signs marked for the drive up areas that were easy to follow… When we arrived at her dorm, there were two RAs stationed outside to welcome students and answer any questions. (Again, they were distanced and masked.) Only one parent was allowed in the dorm to help move in, and we were given a 2-hour window.

All students must quarantine in their rooms until their test results are in. Luckily, it was quick (they are using Broad Institute) and she was only isolated for a day. Once she received her test result, D got together with some friends she met a few months ago (through one of Hamilton’s social networking sites for first years), and headed outside for lunch. (The dining halls are open with limited seating, but it was a nice day and Hamilton has a beautiful campus.) They cannot enter each other’s dorms, but had no problem gathering on some of the Adirondack chairs outside on the lawn. Later that day she met with her advisor (through Zoom) and then headed to the campus smoothie shop with her roommate. She commented that everyone was following the rules, and distancing and wearing masks. She and her roommate are playing cards with two other students from their floor later tonight. Tomorrow and Friday she will join her floor (which is also her Orientation group and pod) for outside outdoor activities and dinner together as part of a modified Orientation schedule. Classes start Monday, and 3 out of 4 of her courses are in-person. (For now, anyway.)

I realize some threads on CC are completely doom and gloom about students returning to campus, but my D has not been isolated or lonely. She is not taking meals alone in her room, and has met several new people. Hamilton is fortunate that they are small (2,000 students), rural, and 100% residential. They also have a rigorous testing program. This is clearly not the case everywhere. I’m hoping they can create an “NBA-style bubble” as well. I must say, if they can’t do it, I’m not sure anyone can. Fingers crossed!