African-American HS Class of 2020

@Sarrip . I really felt the love at Laf. It it seems like a hidden gem.

Amazing @holychild. I think Lafayette is a hidden gem because I did not know much about the school when my household started researching colleges, but I have seen and heard so much positive feedback about the school over the last 4 years. And your DD can not beat a debt free education at a great school??

@holychild love the news and congratulations to your kiddo! I love this thread because all of you are the most supportive parent network on college confidential. Thank you for spreading the love during this time of uncertainty. Keep letting us know where your high schooler is going to college.

Thatā€™s great! And great news from everyone else with the wonderful options and choices. It must feel very good to have this step over and done with.

Next step: move in day.

Congrats! Lafayette was on D20ā€™s list. Had she not made it into her ED choice, she would have applied. We really loved the campus and the community. The admissions rep doing the presentation, Cristina Usino, was fabulous. She talked about everything the college is doing to increase the number of students and faculty of color on campus. They are already a few years in to their 5-year plan. She was one of the most dynamic speakers I heard when we were touring colleges. The environment seems very supportive. Great choice!

I donā€™t have words that could accurately express the awe Iā€™m in for ALL of the/your students on this page. ??? Impressive! And the support you all have for one another is yet another reason Iā€™m sure contributes to the success everyone has hadā€¦ pure kindness. ? Happy tears! I pray colleges are back to normal this fall so that everyone can experience all that your schools have to offer. Well deserved.

Congrats! I hope class of 2021 is as vibrant.

Itā€™s official that daughterā€™s school will be holding a virtual graduation on May 30th. They have contracted with a company (not sure if I can mention the company). We went to the website and daughter seems to like the idea. They apparently will also be doing senior awards during this ceremony. May 1st they will have senior day where all of the seniors will send in a picture wearing attire representing their chosen college. They are really trying.

Coming back to update in my safe space. :relaxed: Admitted to UCSD today. Hadnā€™t really put much thought into it, honestly figured it would be a denial. Aid package is slightly better than UCD and I prefer the major offerings here plus if I canā€™t get out of CA at least I could experience living in a different part.
4/4 for UCs - Davis, Berkeley, Santa Cruz, San Diego
2 OOS rejections - University of Richmond, Chapel Hill - appealed. Yes, I know odds are 1-2% and likely wonā€™t change anything. Wasnā€™t planning on it until speaking with an admissions counselor there. Think I left a piece of my soul in that appeal letter. lol
Waiting - Duke, Georgetown, Vanderbilt and Stanford

Realistically have to plan on a UC attendance. Which I will research further and think about Sunday. This process is mentally draining! Need a break. Take care and stay safe everyone.

@SatanFlower69 - CONGRATULATIONS!!! A better package too!!! Thatā€™s great. Iā€™m sure that there is more greatness to come. I know that this is very draining and the waiting is torturous. I actually think that between this process and Covid that I actually loss hair. Praying that this journey comes to an end for you very soon and that your choice will be very clear. (Hugs)

@Sarrip Thank you! I think having to stay home and sit around waiting bc of COVID has made it so much worse than it would have been. Thereā€™s nothing else to focus on and its driving me nuts. Never thought Iā€™d miss my job but at the moment Iā€™d definitely rather be there. Read like 10 novels in the past week, took a dozen walks, binge watched a few shows and it still feels like COVID will never end. But eventually it will and weā€™ll all be ok. Take care of yourself. My father is fond of saying if you donā€™t have your health you donā€™t have anything. (HUGS)

@SatanFlower69, congratulations on the UC haul. You have 4 big ones left and we are rooting for you. But like you, I believe that UCSD is an unbelievable option regardless of what happens next.

@SatanFlower69 Congratulations on the acceptance!! I hope your journey will come to an end soon. The waiting and uncertainty is enough to drive anyone insane. @ProfSD Ms. Ursino is great. I still remember her presentation.She seemed to have a genuine love for the college, what she does and supporting all students especially students of color.

After a long journey, it came down to a four-way race. Wooster offered a fantastic FinAid package that brought the COA within the low end of my budget. Ursinus didnā€™t match Woosterā€™s offer but came close, and I could make their offer work if that was sonā€™s choice. The University of Dayton, like Wooster, improved their offer a couple of times and joined the frontrunners.

Then there were three instate schools that Iā€™ll clump as one option. They really were one option because they all held the same allure of being close to home and affordable. He had classmates who would be friendly faces at all three schools. Heā€™d be happy attending all three.

In the end, while DS took a last consideration of Wooster, he decided that heā€™d rather attend a school with a larger enrollment. The FinAid offers at Wooster and Dayton were more or less identical, with Wooster offering a lower COA, but Dayton offering perks.

Last night, Son committed to the University of Dayton. UD included $1000 every year for books, and will pay for him to do a study abroad semester.

I donā€™t know about him, but Iā€™m immensely relieved this search and selection part of the journey is complete. Iā€™m even more relieved my next child wonā€™t graduate high school until 2024. I might need that long to recover. :slight_smile:

@EconPop CONGRATULATIONS ? to you and your son! Great decision. You have crossed over! So glad I donā€™t have to do this again! Looks like the time leading up to 2024 will be a busy time for you but you got this!

@EconPop Congrats!! Weā€™ll be looking at that Class of 2024 thread cheering you on! (Dayton is my Dā€™s favorite underdog school since they made a run in the NCAA Basketball tourney when she was a young girl. lol)

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Thanks, @Sarrip . The time leading up to '24 will be busy. Even busier, because I also have a '26 graduate coming along and Iā€™ll probably be doing twofers on the visits to allow the younger one to see some campuses too.

Iā€™ll go about the search with the same strategy, but refine it. There were so many things I didnā€™t know when we started 20 months ago. I learned a lot and reshaped the strategy throughout, but it will be exciting to start a new search with what I know now at the end of this iteration. Iā€™m looking forward to the next time.

While it wasnā€™t one of the true determining factors, UDā€™s basketball success this year was one thing that made UD more appealing to my son. Heā€™d never heard of UD before applying. It made the list because it fit the criteria he and I set out at the beginning and modified along the way. Once it became a more serious option, he dug a lot deeper and liked a lot about UD.

Heā€™d like to attend events on campus that have a school pride feel, whether sports or something else. UD basketball certainly fits that bill. Of course, now that DS is going there, UD will probably have four straight losing seasons. Winning or losing, Iā€™ll use UD basketball as a reason to visit him a couple of times a years.

Iā€™ll also sneak in a visit to go see the History of Funk show at the Performing Arts Center in Dayton.

Congratulations @EconPop ! One of my sonā€™s friends is there now and he really likes it! Iā€™m glad your son is happy.

Just wanted to share with the village that a friend sent me an invitation to a few online groups who are adopting graduates of the class of 2020. I joined the groups to see what it was all about and it turned out to be one of the biggest blessings. My daughter was adopted by a member of each group. Packages for college are being sent to her and I in turn have adopted, shopped and am in the process of shipping a box for another student in another state. One of the people who adopted my daughter is shopping from her amazon gift list and dropping off all of her health, beauty and hygiene products on our stairs on Sunday. She wants to adopt her for the entire 4 years that she will be in college. I believe that it is taboo to mention other groups but I would sure love to share more with the village as anything that can encourage our children and out a smile on their faces is a plus.

@EconPop CONGRATS to your sonā€¦ AND You !!! UD was on our very long list at one point, but it didnā€™t pass the ā€œdistanceā€ qualifications . It was there cause my brother lives nearby :wink: We LOVED the visit we went on, just cause we were in the area visiting. GREAT choice !! Iā€™m SURe youā€™re glad THATā€™s over :wink: Itā€™s been a journey !! Canā€™t believe Iā€™m saying this but I actually MISS it. Anyhooā€¦ Duquesne plays UD quite a bit, apparently, so who knowsā€¦ Our paths may cross one of these days :wink: