African-American HS Class of 2020

@MamaBear2001, CONGRATULATIONS to you and DS. I’m so excited for you!!!

Congratulations MamaBear2001. I know you and your son have worked very hard for that. You two deserve it. Good luck in Durham!

@Sarrip , @EconPop thank you!

My student has 3 acceptances so far. 1 state school honors college(home state)one out of state lower ranked private university but to a special program with generous scholarship, one higher ranked private with some scholarship but would need more to attend.

Congrats on all the acceptances so far.

Congrats!! Super exciting to hear all the great news.

@holychild, CONGRATULATIONS ???

FABULOUS news! Congrats on all the acceptances, everyone. What a great way to start the holiday season.

Wow, congratulations @MamaBear2001 and @holychild on the early Christmas gifts. Excited to see the wonderful results coming very soon for the other ED/EA applicants…

Can anyone recommend any outside scholarships to help pay for tuition that are not income based? I find most scholarships targeted to minority students are based on being low income or first gen. Our student is neither but we won’t be able to afford the $70,000.00 price tag of most privates . The merit offers so far have been in the $20.000.00 range. We have a 529 plan but there would be a $20,000.00 to $30,000.00 shortfall and we will not be taking out any loans.

Can you mention the school. Sometimes they can be school specific.

@holychild There are very few outside scholarships that are not based on financial need (especially those targeting minority students) and the deadlines have passed for some (like Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation). My family is looking at each school’s Alumni Association as some have larger scholarships that don’t look at income or 1st gen status as factors.

The student’s major in question could also be a factor. One scholarship that my son will probably apply for once in undergrad (must have already completed a year of undergrad) is the Science, Math and Research for Transformation (SMART) Program, which is funded through the Department of Defense and provides full tuition, monthly stipends, health insurance and book allowances, as well as summer internships that range from 8 to 12 weeks in exchange for a year of civil service for each year the scholarship is provided in one of 21 STEM disciplines if selected. I have attached the link of that scholarship’s home page along with a 2nd link of the schools who have had SMART Scholars.

We are also just looking at and applying to some smaller merit based scholarships and essay contests as every dollar adds up. My son and our family will continue to hunt for scholarships while he is in undergrad even if we can afford it until every dollar is covered and I am hopeful that he will get some institutional merit at some of his top choices. Good luck Scholarship hunting.

@ChangeTheGame, Alumni associations is a great suggestion. Thank you for the links. I will investigate those options. All the schools including the state ones have institutional scholarships that we have applied for.

Remembering SCEA/ED days like today and sending the best of luck to students and parents alike! Hopeful The Big Guy’s will and yours match!

YES! D20 was just accepted to her ED choice.

Good luck to everyone still waiting on ED, EA, or RD decisions. There are lots of great schools out there and I’m sure everyone will find their match.

Congrats!! What college?
Exciting times.

@ProfSD - Congratulations!!! So excited for your daughter!

Where did the students go? Haven’t seen a post in a while from any of them (unless I missed something) Looks like this is now the AAHS Class of 2020 Parents Page :-). I hope they come back.

Black teen from Ohio here! I got into my ED to WashU but am waiting to hear back from Howard and a few others this week. Very excited

@Sarrip I also noticed there are no longer students posting on the HS Class of XXXX page either. Seemed to have dropped off in July at some point. I know I read on Reddit some students found it “creepy” parents were responding and/or replying as if they were students. So no longer participating on CC. Which is sad.