African-American HS Class of 2020

Congratulations on WashU. But how are you waiting on others if you did ED that is binding?

@CottonTales: It makes perfect sense that @techprincesa68 would have applied to other schools. ED was not a guarantee and there are situations in which this binding agreement can fall through. However, she stated that she is waiting for decisions as most would if only to see if she was accepted, not that she was necessarily considering them at this point.

@techprincesa68: Congratulations to you!!!

Also, while ED is “binding” it is commonly misunderstood that there is no way for a student to get out of it.

If a student is accepted ED to a school, but finds out the school did not offer enough FinAid to make the school affordable, the student is not obligated to attend. Often, ED decision are released in Dec, but full FinAid decisions are not released until January.

For this reason, it is important that students accepted via ED do not rush and cancel all other applications in process. The student may well end up attending one of the other schools.

FWIW, I’ve read several threads on CC where students accepted via ED end up not going to that school because the finances did not come through. Before that, I also thought ED was completely binding.

@EconPop: Yes! Exactly what I was referring to in my comment. I want to say so much more but I will leave it right here :smile:

@Sarrip @EconPop, gotcha. I was under the assumption that the financial aide package for ED came along with the acceptance.

I left out an “many” in my reply. I should have said “…but full FinAid decisions are not released until January.”

Some ED decisions are released with the final FinAid offers. Some are not.

Good luck to everyone. My son was rejected from his ED decision, but we expected that. He may decide to ED2 somewhere else, but probably not.

@EconPop, sorry to hear about the ED decision, but I looked back and saw the fabulous list of schools that your son was on tap to apply to and it is nice to know that your son will have some great final options to choose from.

@techprincesa68 ED acceptance to Washington U… Outstanding and congratulations and I can tell you quite a few on this thread are awaiting Howard’s decisions to come out today. Wishing you good luck in your other applications and with FA and that you get to go to your 1st choice school.

It was kind of funny. It’s one of the schools that have an overall low admit rate, where the vast majority of applicants are denied. And his stats were lower than optimal to get in, so he knew the logical result was a “denied”. However, as he clicked on the portal, that little shining ray of hope caught him … and when he saw the decision, he blinked in what I can only describe as astonishment at the “denied.”

But he shook it off quickly. We joked about it all last night and this morning on the drive to school. He joked that he’s never wearing their shirts again and that he’s going to pull for their basketball rival from now on.

On to the next … waiting for Howard today.

My daughter got into Alabama which was her first choice, but they only gave her 30k in scholarship money. She also got accepted into Baylor with 18k per year in Merit money, Michigan State with 20k per year in Merit money, Penn State (no Merit money), TCU - Full Ride but not in her top three at all. We’re still waiting for University of Washington St. Louis, UT Austin, Northeastern, Clemson and Howard.

Best of luck @TeamSmith !!

Thanks, everyone. She will be attending Hamilton College.

[quote=“EconPop, post:147, topic:2063319”]

@EconPop Sorry about your son. Rejections are always tough. Although he probably had his heart set on his ED school, there are a lot of schools that will be great fits. When my D was stressing about her ED application, I kept trying to reassure her that all of the schools on her list were good fits. She would have been happy and successful at any of them. That’s why we took a year doing research and carefully crafting a list! From your other posts, I know you have done the same. It’s great that he’s already turned the page. Keep concentrating on the other fabulous acceptances he has, and the other schools he’s waiting to hear from.

To everyone waiting to hear on Howard: Good luck and fingers crossed for good news!

Bravo, bravissimo!
Waiting for UIUC today at 4. Next week for her ED and other two EA. The wait is challenging.
She will apply to Howard for RD if her ED doesn’t work out.

DD received acceptance to Temple yesterday. It was so cute. She came busting in our room at 4:30am with her laptop saying whispering loudly “GUESS WHAT!!??”

Waiting on Howard, UChicago, Northeastern and DePaul. Good luck everyone!

I am so excited for all of you but anticipation is killing me and I won’t dare say this to D because she’s probably feeling the same way. The hypocrite that I am is preaching patience ?. I know within the next few weeks we will have something to share but time has never gone so slow ?.

OK Guys…We have an EA acceptance from Fordham University’s Lincoln Center Campus. Not one of her first choices but we are happy to have it!

YAY! Congrats on the acceptance. It’s always nice to have options, even if it isn’t her first choice.

Congratulations to all the acceptances in the past few days. Those first ones are always so sweet, can have a big sigh of relief!

My son received his Howard acceptance. Tulane decision is coming next week and Morehouse decisions could come out any time between 12/15 and 1/15 so my son is looking forward to having his decisions completed for all but 1 school (GT EA decision is 1/18/20).

I got into my EA school as a Presidential Scholar with a full tuition scholarship! It is now definitely a school I am considering but I am waiting till spring to make a finite decision.