After admission, do students get their acceptance letter and other stuffs to emails?

<p>Hi. As a next-year college going person, I would like to prepare for some shocks that I woud receive, so:</p>

<li><p>after admission (or rejection), do admitted (rejected) people get their acceptance (rejection) letters and (admitted student packages) to their E-mails or newly-created college e-mails?</p></li>
<li><p>can accepted students in one UC college (here, Berkeley) receive letters from UC colleges they did not apply to for a special consideration of admission?</p></li>

<p>3, can rejected students in one UC college (here, Berkeley) receive letters from UC colleges they did not apply to for a special consideration of admission?</p>

<li><p>For UCB, LA, SD, you log into a portal that tells you whether you’re in or not with a letter and links to the next steps. For Davis, the admission/rejection was in the email itself, which is sent to the email you registered your UC App with. Admission Packets come within a week or two after the online letter. There are no physical rejection letters - you must check online to see your decision.</p></li>
<li><p>Uh, I’m not exactly sure what your question means. I believe I got advertising emails from Merced and Riverside (I didn’t apply to either) inviting me to complete their GAP application, which guarantees admission to those schools based on grades and test scores, but I didn’t take up the opportunity. Other than that, no.</p></li>