After initially deciding against Alabama, now I'm considering it again

I’m a high school senior currently deciding between Missouri and Alabama (planning on double majoring in journalism and polisci). I’m in a somewhat unique situation in that after visiting both schools, I decided on Missouri way back in December. I’ve paid my enrollment fee, signed up for orientation, etc. for Mizzou.

But today I got a letter saying I qualify for an additional scholarship at Alabama, with the total amount for all scholarships earned totaling almost $50k. I haven’t even applied for the FASFA for Alabama, so that’s just Bama’s merit scholarships, not even federal stuff. And then there’s Missouri. I was given about $24k in aid, including federal aid and loans, but that leaves my family with $20k left to pay. Our EFC was nowhere near that high, so I feel really guilty about going to Mizzou (and now even moreso knowing I’ll be in little, if any, debt at Bama). My parents say not to worry, that it’s fine, etc., but I still worry.

So that being said, now Bama’s back in contention, even though I’ve committed to Mizzou. Luckily, the enrollment fee for Mizzou is refundable until May, so that’s good. But I’d just like some advice in sorting through this. I know Alabama has a pretty good journalism school, but Mizzou slightly has the edge. In addition, when visiting, I just felt slightly more at home at Missouri than Bama. So I really love Missouri, but Alabama has the edge with money. I just really need some advice on what to do.

A couple other questions:

  1. Is it even possible to switch to Bama if I want to at this point?
  2. Is everyone else a lot farther along than I am in the process? e.g., has everyone already signed up for housing, etc?
  3. I got into the honors college, so that's a plus. I'd really like honors housing, but I know it fills up there any chance that there are any rooms left anywhere in the suites?
  4. I just added Bama to the FASFA (don't know why I didn't do that before, just in case something like this happened). I know the priority date was March 1, but is it possible to still get anything at this point or not?

Just looking for some general advice. Apologies for the long post, but this is sudden and I’m just trying to sort it out, because going to school for free is a lot better than paying $20k a year. Also, please don’t think I’m only considering Bama because of the money; I really do like it, I just like Missouri a little better.

$20k extra per year? That’s the cost of attendance at many in-state schools. Split the difference with your parents and you’d suddenly have $40k for a down payment on a house.

  1. You can decide to attend UA up until May 1st. 2 and 3. You might not get honors suite-style housing right away. It sounds like you're NMF, which means that UA may have a prereserved space for you in a suite-style residence hall.
  2. You'll be eligible for some federal loans. If you're eligible for Federal Work Study and all such funds are already distributed to other students, you may be placed on a waiting list.

If you do decide to attend UA, think of it as your fist choice school. Remember that you’ve only experienced a small part of the total UA experience; the best parts of the UA experience are saved for current students and alumni.

Thanks for the advice, @SEA_tide. I’m going to talk this over with my parents and we’ll see how this turns out.

You mention that you feel Mizzou feels better - and I would normally tell you to go with your gut and where you would feel best.

But no matter how you slice it, your choice really IS about the money, unfortunately. That is a total of $80,000 saved that you’re talking about (over 4 years). That is a sizable down payment on a house…it is grad school…it is 1/4 the cost of raising a child to age 18…Regardless, debt = bad. Don’t feel bad about receiving free money when it is offered.

It is not too late to choose UA. Make the most of what you’ve been given and go be amazing at UA. :slight_smile: Good luck with your choice, but I’m telling you, you cannot go wrong with UA. (Can you do better? perhaps…but you can’t go wrong…and that’s the truly great thing about UA: you can’t go wrong!) If you do choose Mizzou, make sure that you fully understand Mizzou’s requirements for continuing with any scholarship you have been offered. I’ve known some students having to bail after failing to re-qualify there. (not sure how NMF works, if that’s the case)

But today I got a letter saying I qualify for an additional scholarship at Alabama, with the total amount for all scholarships earned totaling almost $50k.



Can you tell us what this letter awarded you? And what is included in your total offers of merit that totals that high?

Are you a NMF?

What is your EFC? If you have merit covering all your costs at Alabama, then you have “no need”. Unless you qualify for a Pell Grant, you can’t get any federal aid if all of your costs are covered in scholarship money.

Wow! CE527M: You sound SO MUCH like my son last year at this exact same time!!! We live much closer to Mizzou vs UA (and honestly, he had been planning on attending Mizzou for 3 or 4 yrs), but he ended up at UA in engineering. It’s not easy…but he LOVES it! You’ve been given some great info and advice in the posts above. Feel free to PM me if you wish… Good luck!! P.S. My son felt (after much investigation and the visits) that overall, the two schools were fairly “equal”…in that they are both great schools with great school spirit… Not saying they are just alike of course, just sort of equal overall (in his opinion and mine) … As far as the beauty of the campus, UA has tons more “natural” beauty … Mizzou has a more high-tech or modern kind of beauty, if there is such a thing :slight_smile: But you already know that, since you’ve visited both campuses I am sure.

We live in Parkville Missouri, MU is definitely closer than AU! My son is going to UA next fall. We have been so impressed with UA on many levels. I’m glad to hear that your son (amy9998) loves it there! My son will be going into Chemical (maybe mechanical) engineering. The merit aid was good at MU but my DS did not want to go to school where his high school friends were going, he is looking for a change in scenery!

We visited U of Alabama and really liked it. I think if you will save that much money you should go for UA. Honors housing is great, and I suspect you will still probably get it, but the other housing would be fine too I think. UA is just a really nice school, and with a deal like that you can’t go wrong! You might want to make a list of the pros and cons of each school. UA has a much better financial package, better weather, and many other pros. Weigh those against the pros of Mizzou and talk it over with your parents. By the way, you sound like a very mature and responsible young person to be so considerate of your family’s financial needs. Good for you! :slight_smile:

The J-School at Mizzou is top notch so I understand your reluctance to turn that down for Alabama. That said, much of school is what you take advantage of. What area of journalism interests you? UA has an on-campus television station and students can work with ESPN on Game Day. Of course, the Crimson & White newspaper is student run and very active. From what I understand, UA scholarships can now be used for graduate work. Depending of your AP credits, you may be able to graduate early and use the rest of your scholarship toward the 1 yr Professional Masters program offered by the J-school.

Everyone, thank you so much for your advice and willingness to help. If I end up at Alabama, I’m now much more excited after reading your comments. I’m especially happy to hear about those who considers Missouri whose kids ended up choosing Bama; that does indeed make me feel like I can’t go wrong with choosing Bama.

I’ll be talking this over with my parents some more and we’ll see where I end up. Thanks again everyone. :slight_smile:

What’s the decision?

I’d be packing my bags for Tuscaloosa without even thinking twice.

Sorry for not updating sooner. I had a long talk with my parents and decided to go to Mizzou. It’s fairly easy to gain residency in Missouri and I’m planning on doing that to get in-state tuition sophomore year. Additionally, my grandfather will be contributing a generous amount to my education. Ultimately, while Mizzou will cost more, if all goes well, it won’t be as much of a difference as I originally thought. I felt more at home at Missouri and just feel the school is a better fit. They also have an accelerated Master’s program so I’ll have the option of getting my master’s in one year, so that’ll save me money as compared to getting it in two years. I know with the difference in tuition, Bama seems like the obvious option, but I just like Mizzou better for a variety of reasons.

Thanks again for the help everyone. :slight_smile:

Good luck!!

More power to ya! Go for it!

Good luck to you, @CE527M!

I’m glad to hear that Missouri is a state where it’s fairly easy to gain residency for the purpose of being eligible for in-state tuition because that most definitely is NOT the norm across the country.

@CE527M‌ Doesn’t seem that easy to me, especially the part of NOT being claimed as a dependent on your parents’ taxes if you are under 21. It seems that you not only have to reside there for 12 months prior to the semester start but you need to document summer jobs and leases.

^^ Not necessarily easy but “do-able” … unlike some other states for undergrads. At one college day for prospective students, they (Mizzou) actually offered a session on How to Gain State Residency – and provided very detailed info and tips.

@robotbldmom Like @amy9998 said, they have info sessions about gaining residency, so it’s a fairly popular thing for OOS students to do, and the University encourages OOS students to do it. It won’t be super easy, but it’s an option I have and it’s definitely doable.

@CE527M‌ Well of course, good luck in your future endeavors!