After two days as a froshie...

<p>I love UW :)</p>

<p>Classes start next week though so we'll see what I think then!</p>

<p>I'm liking it too so far... not that I'm living there yet.. Kind of anxious for classes though.</p>

<p>I want to get into my dorm though.. that's when it's official for me.</p>

<p>I'm excited for this to get started. Longest summer ever.</p>

<p>Glad you're enjoying it.</p>

<p>Lucky101 does not open until Saturday (unless you want to pay extra)! How stupid is that.</p>

<p>I know! I've been in my dorm since Sunday, and it's been so fun so far! I had a mishap with my job, but other than that, I've enjoyed myself and Madison. =]</p>

<p>Big construction projects like Lucky take years and are hard to keep on schedule. </p>

<p>news:</a> A well-rounded University Square -- almost</p>

<p>ohh emm gee today is the big day!</p>

<p>classes started and are great so far. all of my professors are really interesting and haven't thrown any curve balls yet...</p>

<p>campus is amazing. there is always something going on</p>

<p>My daughter is also Freshman and enjoying the school and classes with 1 exception. Her math teacher does not speak english very well and is difficult to understand. She is not alone in this opinion among classmates.</p>

<p>Unfortunately the other lectures of this class are filled and would conflict with other classes so unless there is a good TA she may be forced to drop the class due to a language barrier.</p>

<p>Very disappointing.</p>

<p>Sticks: Which Math Class? My son says his math professor has an "accent" but at least writes legibly.... Time will tell....</p>

<p>Math 234. The professor is Craciun. Very hard to understand, seems to have trouble stringing together coherent sentences, and talks rather quiet in a lecture hall filled with 200 students.</p>

<p>My daughter is a very good math student and is quite disappointed in this situation.</p>

<p>*freshman, not "Froshie"... :(</p>


<p>My son has taken a few math classes, and always had bad professors. Actually, my two kids at other schools had similar experiences. Math doesn't seem to draw good teachers. Think of it as a good life experience. My son learned how to find others to study with, and how to learn much of the material on his own. He also went to office hours to ask questions of both the professor and the grad student assistant. At some point, you have to learn to deal with these kinds of situations. </p>

<p>Good luck to your daughter.</p>

<p>I'm pretty sure I have the same professor as Sticks's daughter.</p>

<p>All of you with the math prof's. that cannot communicate well in english should write letters to someone higher up the food chain than the department dean (e.g. vice provost). If only 3 or 4 would make a documented complaint I believe there would be the needed attention to the problem and it could be corrected. </p>

<p>It may not help you this semister but it might in a class you will be having next year and it is something that truely needs to be addressed at Wisc. and many other otherwise fine universities across the country.</p>

<p>WOW. I thought fights ended after high school, but I witnessed a MASSIVE BRAWL between two other students yesterday. </p>

<p>I didn't know there were fights in college like there are in high school.</p>

<p>the english barrier is an issue with the math professors at my school too, but I don't think much can be done about it; it seems native-born Americans don't like teaching math, lol. Anyhow, I'd rather have a smart and caring teacher bad in English that a native speaker that neither knows any math nor wants to help you with it.</p>

<p>Oh, I didn't understand Stick's English, did he/she mean to say 'Croatian'?</p>

<p>I figured he was mentioning a last name. Why don't people have the courage to speak up about the accent problem? The dept will take it seriously if they know it is in the way of students' learning, but can't know if no one tell them. Come on students, start sending the emails to the dept chair about the problem.</p>

<p>It is the last name of the professor.</p>

<p>My daughter says the lectures are not any better and he rambles on about unimportant subject matter while quickly passing over important new material.
She has gone to see the TA (who is also foreign but more understandable) quite often to get a better explanation of the lessons, but this is like taking the lectures twice.</p>

<p>With no disrespect for the intellegence of the professor or the department intended, the university is so committed to diversity and different culture experiences that reporting this accent problem can be viewed as intolerance of someone whose second language is English.</p>

<p>I had craciun as a sophomore for Math 211...He wasn't that bad...I've obviously had much better professors, but Math professors are about as bad as they get. You have to keep pushing him to use the microphone even if he doesn't want to, but you also have to understand that when you take a math course here that much of it is teaching yourself the material</p>