Ahhh I have to choose soon!

<p>That day is coming when I'm going to have to actually decide what college I want to go to for the next 4 years. Right now I think I'm deciding between UW, Miami, and Ohio State. I haven't visited any of them yet (I live in NJ), but I'm going to fly over to UW and Ohio State this friday and saturday to check them out. I'm probably going to go into the pre-med program (I <em>think</em> I want to be a surgeon). Anyone have any advice for me? General advice, visiting advice, life advice... anything is welcome :)</p>

<p>Great plan. Trust me, your decision process will become a LOT easier after you see Madison. :)</p>

<p>If you have a specific major/program in mind, start contacting the undergrad advisor(s) for that program (e-mail and then phone call). If you still need to talk in person, ask for a 15-minute meeting (always for 15 minutes even if the meeting may run into 3 hours!).</p>

<p>Anyone have any food/hotel suggestions? We (me and my dad) are going to stay over saturday night.</p>

<p>We didn't stay for the hotel, but there was a really nice authentic Italian restaurant on State Street called Tutto's. Definitely worth considering.</p>

<p>Husnus for Mideastern- on State St. Pizzeria Uno for Chicago style Pizza- State and Gorham. The Memorial Union- Rathskeller has a good selection of fast foods of all types. Don't forget your ice cream- Babcock, of course, sold at the Unions as well as Babcock Hall (limited hours- it's part of the Dairy research center). Many choices on State St. Try to get a Madison guide at the information center- it will list tons of stuff. Of course, Res Halls has good food if you want a sneak preview, again, multiple locations.</p>

<p>Hotels- the usual. I'm sure all you want is a place to sleep. A few near campus, others on east or west sides. Check a AAA guide or Expedia.com- that's what we do. West side better than East, we've never stayed near campus. The UW website lists rooms at the Union- would give more on campus time... Have fun, wear your walking shoes and April weather gear (check weather.com for the forecast next weekend).</p>

<p>Check past threads for a lot of useful info on UW- it's a much better school academically than Ohio State; Miami has a different climate entirely...</p>

<p>Add to the hotel. Take at look at BiddingForTravel forum for good deals on priceline. E.g. one can get a room @ Concourse Hotel in downtown for $45-$50/nite.</p>

<p>Their WI thread is <a href="http://p070.ezboard.com/Wisconsin/fpricelineandexpediabiddingfrm136%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://p070.ezboard.com/Wisconsin/fpricelineandexpediabiddingfrm136&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>