I got in!

<p>Ahhh, I'm so excited!!!!</p>

<p>Despite a mediocre high school record, I got in to Madison as a transfer student today. I guess getting a 3.8 my first semester at the University of iowa helped a bit. I can't wait to be a Badger! Sconnie for life!</p>

<p>Very nice, when did you submit your application?</p>

<p>In early december, I believe somewhere around the 15th.</p>

<p>here are my stats, just for those who are interested.</p>

<p>-white male, in state (for tuition purposes)
-One 5, two 4's on AP exams
-gpa: 3.8 at U of Iowa (15 raw credits, 28 when AP and other credits taken into account)
-28 ACT composite, 12 writing
-EC's: not stellar, but good. Lots of orchestra related things, volunteering at a bunch of locations, a lot of international traveling/touring/exchanges
-Recs: one very good rec from a professor at Iowa</p>

<h2>high school (ugh. I was not motivated, I'm so glad I turned it around).</h2>

<p>-gpa: 3.35 weighted, 3.15 uw. Big upward swing in last few years
-class rank: I believe 175/389
-courseload: About 3 honors classes a year, plus 3 AP classes my senior year.</p>

<p>there ya go.</p>

<p>Glad we saved you from a life as a hogeye. Congrats. Major??</p>

<p>political science...I hear the program there is tremendous.</p>

<p>guys i have a question... for transfer students, are SAT scores important? becuz iam pretty sure that i wont get in so i was planning on transferring like trizkutt did after the 1st semester of my freshmen year.....also, does it increase your chances if you stay at your current college longer than just one semester (thus acquiring more credits) ? i guess what iam trying to ask is more credit/time in college = better chance of acceptance as transfer student?</p>

<p>The more college credits you have, the less your high school record(SAT scores, high school GPA, etc.) is going to matter. SAT scores are not required for any transfer students though.</p>

<p>what are your stats?</p>

<p>iam a high school senior right now... i applied to madison but iam pretty sure i will get rejected. so iam just sort of planning ahead right now... my high school GPA isnt too good about it will be about 3.3 by the time i graduate. how many semesters do you think i should attend in a college before trying to transfer to wisconsin?(i will most likely be attending U Conn or U Mass-Amherst) thanks in advance.</p>

<p>^I had a 3.3. I got in after one semester</p>

<p>"Prior to applying for transfer admission, students must have completed (or be completing) at least 24 semester hours of transferable course work. This essentially equates to one year of college-level study. We do not accept transfer students at the freshman level. " </p>

<p>Thats from the madison website......how did you get accepted after just one semester?</p>

<p>^I have two theories:</p>

<p>1: My admission is contingent on me getting a certain GPA at the end of my second semester, in which I will have completed 28 raw credits. You probably already know there is a spot on the application for you to list future classes--- classes you are enrolled in but have not yet taken---to let them know you'll be satisifying that requirement. I haven't received the admissions packet yet, so I don't really know. It's either that, or...</p>

<p>2: I have "officially" completed 28 semester hours at Iowa as of the end of my first semester. This includes 9 credits from AP classes, 4 retroactive credits (from being placed in 6th semester german class as a freshman) and 15 raw credits, or 28 in all. I heard, however, that Madison does not consider AP credits when looking at transfers, so this theory is less likely.</p>

<p>hey trizkutt, im considering iowa and madison, im a first-year freshman, got into both, instate iowa, but may become instate WI, i want to go to madison, why did you transfer?</p>

<p>^ I like Madison for a lot of reasons. Not that IC is a bad place, Madison just has a lot more to offer I think. Madison also has a better reputation academically. However, if you got in to Madison you're probably in at Iowa's honors program which may be a better deal. Iowa has some really strong programs. However, I think Madison has amore regional repuation (Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Iowa, etc), whereas a UW degree is probably more marketable on a national level---but thats a whole other can of worms.</p>

<p>I transfered for a few reasons</p>

<p>1) Money
2) Location
3) People
4) Academics</p>

<p>not necessarily in that order.</p>