Age Discrimination re: Nursing Programs?

<p>I have notice in my state college that there are no nursing students over the age of 30 (thats being generous) and now that I've finished more than all the pre-reqs and did very well on the TEAS I've been rejected twice. My Anatomy/Phys teacher was shocked I didn't get in. I felt like I was getting the run around and the nursing dept always gave me a different answer depending on who I spoke to as to what I can do to imporve my chances or why exactly I didn't get in. I was even, for the first time, questioning my race and finally one of my trusted professors said. "Oh Honey, it aint you race, its your age, You're too old!" They also said they have talked to the powers that be in the college about just that on several occations.</p>

<p>I'm currently waiting for the Dept of Higher Education to send me the ages of everyone enrolled in the Nursing Program. It cant get here fast enough for me.</p>

<p>Has anyone else had or felt like they've had this issue?</p>

<p>Well, I haven’t run into this but am surprised at your situation. I’m currently enrolled in a two year ASN program in which I, at age 52, am not the oldest student. Admission to the program here is totally stats driven; we get so many points for each A, B, or C that we earn in four specific prerequisite classes and then add our TEAS score. Totals are ranked and those with the top total scores are offered admission to the program. Good luck pursuing your dreams.</p>