UNC Chapel Hill Nursing

<p>Hi! I'm new to this site, but figured that maybe some UNC alumni-nurses/current UNC nursing students could help me out.</p>

<p>I'm a sophomore at Carolina, and I'll be applying to the School of Nursing in the fall. During the spring last semester, I took a CNA class and got my certification. I also have volunteered in the nursing station at UNC Hospitals since the first semester of my freshman year. I'm going to be working in the fall in the School of Nursing as an assistant. I'm hoping all those factors will help me get in....</p>

<p>My main worrires are my CHEM101&102 grades. I didn't do so great in these classes; I'm way more of a biology-type person (I have anatomy & micro in the fall and I'm already getting prepared to buckle down and work my butt off). </p>

<p>So my question to you is how do you think the grades will affect my chances of getting accepted? If my science GPA is high (micro, anatomy, psyc, stats, physiology), do you think admissions will be able to overlook them?</p>

<p>Did you not do well in chemistry and still get in to the nursing school? If so, what were your grades? These classes are seriously the only two I'm worried about, as I did well in my other classes freshman year.</p>

<p>Any help would be greatly appreciated! Hopefully you'll set my mind at ease so I can stop being so worried about this...I have no idea what I'll do if I don't get in. Nursing school is my one and only dream!</p>

<p>Thank you :)</p>

<p>You should talk to someone in the nursing department about their admission criteria. As a student there, you are entitled to know what they are going to be looking at and what the priorities are. If they choose strictly by GPA and don’t weigh your volunteering as heavily then you may be in trouble and want to apply to other programs just in case.</p>