<p>i proofread but somehow later found i spelled "achievement" like "acheivement" in the awards section of the common app. </p>
<p>will they think i'm sloppy/careless and REJECT me?!?! ahhhhh</p>
<p>i proofread but somehow later found i spelled "achievement" like "acheivement" in the awards section of the common app. </p>
<p>will they think i'm sloppy/careless and REJECT me?!?! ahhhhh</p>
<p>probably not…let it go…calling them will just be futile and anal</p>
<p>Are you serious?</p>
<p>sadly… i am being serious haha</p>
<p>Do you realize how unacceptable that is?</p>
<p>I mean, do you?</p>
<p>your shipment of fail has arrived.</p>
<p>They’ll probably think you’re stupid for not remembering a spelling rule with such a catchy saying. You’ll be rejected.</p>
<p>Is everyone being serious? Will someone REALLY be rejected for spelling “achievement” wrong??? That’s the most ■■■■■■■■ thing ever. But is everyone serious?</p>
<p>There are bad, bad people posting here. Totally not a deal breaker.</p>
<p>Totally not serious. With the amount of reading that AO’s do, they might not even notice it. And if they do, so what?</p>
<p>Ok good. If I were a Admission’s Officer and a student’s application had a minor typo, I wouldn’t freak out… Nobody’s perfect, and even the AO’s have GOT to make mistakes.</p>
<p>^Lol, dude you totally fell for it…lol.</p>
<p>These people are just trying to make you feel better, don’t listen to them!</p>
<p>a northwestern admissions officer I spoke to told me that if a single spelling error is found in your essays, your application goes straight to the recycling bin. i’m dead serious</p>
<p>bye bye the next four years of your life. start looking into a bus route you can drive.</p>
<p>LOL yeah everyone saying “fail” is being sarcastic</p>
<p>I don’t think any school rejects a good student solely based on ONE spelling error. </p>
<p>Schools are not that stupid.</p>