Spelling error on application.

<p>GOD DAMMIT.. microsoft word didn't check my error: "smoothely". OMG. are they gonna not consider me bc of this? LOL.</p>

<p>I think you’re finished. LOL. </p>

<p>I’m sure that one spelling error is not going to send your application to the reject pile, so calm down. </p>

<p>It is for this very reason that after I submit my application I never go back and look at it. I still have it saved, but I will not open it until after the admissions cycle has been completed. It’s much better on the nerves, IMO.</p>

i don’t even want to think about how many times i’ve looked at my submitted application since November 31st…
you’ve got a stronger will than i, hippo.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t worry about it, I’m sure they see it all the time. As long as the spelling mistakes were confined to 1 or 2 words I think they’ll forgive you. Now if you’re talking about having 3+ misspelled words it might start to look bad.</p>

<p>nah, you shouldnt worry too much… i would worry if you did something like “me come America and I very good boy!” or some other gibberish like that</p>

<p>i totally wouldn’t worry about it. they go through SOOOOO many applications that im sure that wont even remember that you were the one with a small spelling mistake</p>

<p>LOL i totally put “me come America and I very good boy!” on MY essay</p>