AHHHH. BORDERLINE GRADES and finals that will make or break your grade :(

<p>I hate this. Ive always been a good student, but this junior is playing out to be the worst!</p>

<p>Three classes where my grades are literally like 89.5-90.5, and if scew up on finals, those grades are going to be GONE. GONE GONE! </p>

<p>Seriously, I wouldnt mind nearly as much if I had a mid-b, like say 86 or lower, because then i wouldnt really have a chance of being able to bring it up with finals and I would just have to accept it. But NOW, i actually have a chance and IF i screw up then they are really gone and that hurts more because you KNOW you couldve gotten that A if tried harder.</p>

<p>Ahhhh. School is just annoying. Anyone else in the same place?</p>

<p>Oh ya and finals suck.</p>

<p>yea im failing math because of the finals… atleast ur passing</p>

<p>yea im failing math because of the finals… atleast ur passing</p>

<p>sorry repeated the post</p>

<p>In my school, the percentage doesn’t matter, so as long as you have two different grades for the quarter, the semester grade can change your final score. When I have A and B I don’t care that much but this year I somehow got a B and a C, so I was freaking because I think a C could ruin my chances at a lot of things.</p>

<p>I have a sort of similar situation…I’ve tried so hard and done really well in all my classes - in fact, well enough that I had a pretty high shot at a 4.0…and then I took finals.
Seriously! It’s so not fair…I worked so hard all semester and now I feel like I just failed y finals…most notably APUSH (worked so hard to get As even though I suck at history), Math (I wanted to push my grade from an A- to an A with the final…not happening; it may have bumped me down), and Spanish (was doing okay/pretty good, the final seriously <em>sucked</em>)</p>

<p>Physics and Chinese weren’t as detrimental…physics because I only needed a 67 to keep an A in the class, and I know I got that, and Chinese just wasn’t that bad…</p>

<p>English is the only one where I actually did well on the final b/c it was a paper and I already got it back…but still, I don’t know if it bumped me from an A- to an A.</p>