AHHHH...the countdown begins, One month to go!

<p>I can't believe classes start in one month from today! How's everyone feelin? What are you doing to prepare?</p>

<p>I want to change my routine so I get use to getting up earlier... slept in till 3pm today though sooo hopefully I'll have more success tommorow! I also want to start excercising a bit more, so that walking to class won't be exhausting.... and I should start reading more and watching less TV, so my brain can start working again! lol</p>

<p>Well, S and a buddy have spent the last 3 weeks wandering around aimlessly through Europe, due back at the end of the week. But I don't think that's preperation is it?????............ :eek:</p>

<p>jdm-They're training to wander around campus aimlessly those first few days! ;) My Cane kid has also been wandering around Europe in conjunction with a UM Study Abroad program in Spain. He finishes his course this week and then travels to Rome for a few days before heading back. He visited London and Paris on his way over and is having the time of his life. Oh to be 19!</p>