<p>Hello all, I have decided to apply to Yale. I am in class of 2011, so 2015 (college-wise.)</p>
<p>My AI is 9-9, with rank top 5%-10% in a competitive public HS.</p>
<p>However, my junior year has a horrible GPA (4.1 W, 3.6 UW, with many B+s- 90s). and (4.5, 3.8UW)</p>
<p>Can straight As the first semester senior year help me?</p>
<p>If my senior year report is sent to colleges mid-January, will I be already rejected?</p>
<p>When do they make their decisions? (like weeding out applicants with bad junior year,...etc)</p>
<p>I heard they do not finalize their decisions until March... Is this true?</p>
<p>FYI, I have no Cs, Ds,...etc on my transcript. My worst grade was a B from physical education and art.</p>
<p>Thank you for your time,</p>