Al neuharth free spirit scholarship

<p>Hey Everyone!</p>

<p>I am a fairly new member so I hope that I am posting this new thread under the right forum. I was wondering if anyone else has applied to the 2013 Al Neuharth Free Spirit Journalism Conference in Washington D.C? I am an applicant from New Jersey! I intended on started this thread with the aim of sharing who applied from what state and keeping tabs on the admissions process. </p>

<p>If anyone has had experience with this conference feel free to chime in with advice/comments! </p>

<p>Look forward to hearing from everyone:)</p>

<p>Bumpp… Anyone?</p>

<p>Hi! I’m from Virginia and I applied this year as well!</p>

<p>I applied from North Carolina!</p>

<p>Hey guys! Im glad to hear from other people that have applied, since I haven’t been in contact with anyone that has at this point. Best of luck to you:) Just to share some of my background, I am a junior in highschool and am the Editor-in-Chief for our schools newspaper. I love journalism and hope to pursue it one day as well! </p>

<p>I hope that we get our responses back soon, since Im starting to get anxious haha. Fingers crossed for everyone!</p>

<p>We will be notified by mid May, so we still have a few weeks to wait! My nerves will probably get to me soon, too, but right now I figure that the whole thing is out of my hands, so I’m trying not to worry.
As for me, I’m a staff writer for my school paper. I’m on track to be the editor next year (our editor-in-chief is always a senior). I’m also an intern for a news website, but that’s all the experience I have.
Journalism is my passion, so I’m hoping for the best!</p>

<p>Awesome!! Yeah I definitely agree with you, its out of our hands once the applications are out. I heard from last years recipients that they recieved a letter through Fedex, but I always wondered whether or not “winning” recipients got their letters back earlier than those who didnt make the program. Either way, I think this would be a great experience. Especially since Im looking into schools in the Washington DC area, I think this would be a good opportunity to be immersed in the culture and city life!</p>

<p>It is so nerve racking!! I’m from Northern Virginia–only 20 minutes outside D.C., so it really is my home! I’m currently the opinion editor of my newspaper (I was the copy editor last year, next year I am managing editor, which we just call editor). </p>

<p>Tomorrow is May 1 so I’m freaking out about getting my letter (or email–how do they notify us?) soon!</p>

<p>I’m just excited to find out either way. I just want to know! With AP exams starting next week, I’ll have other things to stress about. Haha</p>

<p>DC is my favorite city, it’s where I want to live one day.</p>

<p>Yeah I really hope that they notify us very soon as well!! And oh my gosh APs… :confused: What APs are you guys taking? I am only taking 3 this year (Psych, econ and US) and I feel pretty comfortable with psych and econ but US is just going to be an absolute mess haha. </p>

<p>As for the notification I believe its by letter? I think I have a lot of misconceptions based on how this program works haha. Have you guys spoken to any people from last year?</p>

<p>I haven’t spoken to anyone from last year, have you? What have they said? I’m from a pretty small town; nobody here knew about the program before I applied, so no chance of contact there. </p>

<p>I’m taking US, Environmental Science, Bio, and English. The only one that worries me is biology. Our teacher doesn’t really teach, so now is the time we all have to go back and learn everything. It’s quite stressful.</p>

<p>Yes, I can totally relate. My US teacher doesnt teach all that much so its quite difficult to study haha. How do you like Environmental and English? Im going to be taking those next year. Sorry for deviating from the main conversation haha. </p>

<p>I don’t know anyone that applied/got in and even though I come from a pretty populated suburb in Northern New Jersey, I likewise was the only person from my school to apply. Lets hope that increases our chances? (I mean Im assuming that not more than say 100 candidates apply from each state?) haha well only about two weeks to go max until we get letters! Let me know how you guys do:)</p>

<p>So according to Twitter, some people found out that they were accepted today. I don’t know if they were by email or by mail.</p>

<p>I like Environmental well enough, and English is my favorite subject so I really enjoy the class!</p>

<p>Aw well hopefully yesterday wasn’t the only day to send out results. I am pretty sure that they send everything out by mail, but I may be wrong. Let me know if you guys get anything! Good luck!! :)</p>

<p>I haven’t received anything yet either, but I’m from Hawaii so mail takes a while to get here ahhh I’m so scared</p>

<p>Yeah I havent recieved anything either. But oh well, I tried my best haha. Hope you get in!</p>

<p>No word yet on my end either! Are we going to be notified either way? Or only if we’re winners? My mom thinks they don’t need to tell you that you didn’t win, but I don’t know because I haven’t applied for something like this before. Anyone know?</p>

<p>Yeah I believe they MUST notify everyone by mid may so even non-winners will get a notice! Nothing on my end either haha</p>

<p>I got in from South Dakota!</p>

<p>Hey guys!</p>

<p>I received my acceptance email a few months ago (reppin’ Arkansas), and just got the stuff in the mail. Who else is in?</p>