Alabama Early College Experiences

My '22 son is in the process of applying to the early college program at the University of Alabama (we are from Tennessee). He has had several summer experiences at the other university down the highway and likes it. However, he thought that the early college program would be beneficial to him. I was curious if anyone had experiences with it or other information beyond what you can find on the Alabama website. Thanks.

My DD is finishing up her summer there this week. What is it you wanted to know?

First, thanks for your response. In particular, did she find it worthwhile; in retrospect, what would you have like to have known going into the program that you didn’t know at the beginning; and having completed it, given the opportunity, would she do it again?

@Peruna1998 Yes! She found it more than worthwhile. She has grown more in these past 4 weeks than I could have ever imagined. Single best thing we have done for her. She is a rising senior and so she plans to do it again next summer. She wasn’t sure going in if she would want to do it again. She is sad to leave and truly enjoys those she has met. She loved her peer mentor. They do provide guidance, but they aren’t chasing your child to go to class or to do the work. We hadn’t thought about food. You can purchase a meal plan and we did purchase a limited one, but most others did not. She would stop in to eat quick or take a box to go. You do also get $100 in Bama Cash and you need to think about doing wash. We don’t live close at all, so for others, perhaps this is not something to consider.

@Fissie What would I need to know about the food. We are from Memphis, so close, but not extremely so.

Just know how you will handle food. Will you provide a meal plan, expect your DD or DS to microwave things, let them order out, etc… Most places are closed on the weekend on campus because it is summer.

Well, my son was accepted into the program. This has been all his choice. Apparently, I have homework now, too. Thanks, kid.

@Peruna1998 Congratulations to your son! There is value in going far from home for a summer experience like that. Your son sounds like a go-getter. I hope he has a wonderful time.

My DS did the Summer on Campus (SOC) this summer. Your DS will have to complete an online class first. It is a college readiness class. You should make sure he does this well in advance. As a parent, the number one concern was food. They really don’t give a good explanation of how the kids eat. At most other programs, you have to get a meal plan. At Alabama, they are on their own. The dorms that they stay in have a refrigerator and a microwave. We stocked him up with some food at the beginning. Getting to a grocery store during the program is possible but not easy without a car. I think my DS went once with someone that had a car. Otherwise they eat at different places. They would go out to eat at nearby restaurants or eat in the campus dining.

As for the classes, they are regular summer classes with regular students. You may or may not have other HS students in your class. You take two classes. In one class, my DS was the only SOC student. In the other, there was 2 other SOC students. My DS said that the popular classes for SOC students were Public Speaking and Psychology. Each school day, the students are required to go to the library from 6:30-8:00 (I think) to study. The other requirements are that they have to go to class and they have a bed check at 11:00.

@Eeyore123 He’s doing the work for the college readiness class right now. So, the SOC classes are with regular 'Bama students? That’s interesting and not what I thought at all. Public Speaking is a class I mentioned specifically to my son. I took one in my freshman year (on a whim), given my career, it was probably a good choice.

@Peruna1998 I’m a UA alumna and worked for UAEC in college. It’s definitely worth it :slight_smile: Summer on campus is with other students who are taking summer classes. Online classes during the school year are with fellow highschoolers only. My younger sister is starting her freshman year at Alabama next week, was a UAEC student for 3 years and completed enough course credits to equal to one year of credits. This alone is allowing her to defer one year of her scholarship to one year of a Masters program at UA once she graduates - which alone is a huge deal. SOC is amazing and the staff is supportive and there is value to the experience, but the majority of students take classes predominantly online. I’d recommend you calling the office and speaking with some staff or a peer coach who will answer and questions you have!