Alabama VS OSU

<p>Hey everyone I am in love with Alabama. I went for a vist and the grounds were just breathe taking. I got a scholarship so for a while it was the school I was going to. Just recently I recived a scholarship for the Ohio State University which would make it the same price as Alabama. I also got direclty into there business program. I still was set on Alabama but I am a New Yorker and the thought of not being in a large city started to scare me. I loved Tuscaloosa but I feel like it was not “city” enough for me. So basically I need ways of convicing myself that I should go to Alabama. I have been in love with it for the past months and I feel like I really want to be there I just get uneasy in thinking that mabye Ohio is a better school for business and because it is near a city. I just don’t know what to do. Anyone else have/had this issue and is happy at Alabama?</p>

We too are from NY. My son was also admitted directly into the Business school at Ohio State with a National Buckeye scholarship. He weighed both very carefully but Bama was to huge a sell to pass up. He absolutely loved the Alabama campus, dorms and atmosphere. Both have top academic programs in his major of choice and of course top flight football programs to enjoy. BUT he felt that he would get lost in a school that boasts the largest nationwide student enrollment (55,000) to Bama’s (32,000). That coupled with his acceptance into Bama’s Honor program which makes a very large school even smaller. By the way Bama’s accounting program is better ranked than Ohio State’s (18th in the nation) and need I really explain about Bama’s football program, can you say BCS CHAMPIONS, again and again.</p>

<p>Dustin: Congratulations on your scholarships. </p>

<p>What exactly do you want/need in a city? We can let you know if Tuscaloosa has it. Birmingham is a larger city and is an hour away.</p>

<p>If by “New Yorker” you are talking the city itself…it won’t matter. Columbus OH, T-Town AL or Podunk whereever are not going to feel like a big city by comparison.</p>

<p>Both or the schools you are considering are large schools that offer ALOT of things to do so I don’t think that you will spend your time wondering “what’s next”. The biggest things you have to consider are cost, degree fit and feel. If Bama feels like the right place for you and the costs are within budget then it will work for you.</p>

<p>I can assure you it will be much easier to make things work for you if you know you are where you want to be.</p>







<p>Being from Ohio a large percent of the graduating class from my high schools each year attends OSU. OSU and Bama are very different as are Columbus and Birmingham. I would say visit both (if possible) and figure out where you feel more at home. I can tell you from experience Alabama and Ohio are pretty different. I would also possibly consider where you want to work in the future. I’m not saying if you graduate from either school you have to stay in the region but many seem to.</p>

<p>Since you were able to get a scholarship to both UA and OSU, I wouldn’t worry about not getting into the business school at UA. Provided you have the required classes and GPA, the process is as simple as filling out a piece of paper with your name, CWID, e-mail address, and desired major(s). </p>

<p>Alabama is a more rural state, especially when compared to NYC, but there are likely some things you might like better about living in Tuscaloosa than other places and vice versa.</p>

<p>Have you compared the number of Out of state students at both OSU and UA? That might be an interesting point to consider. I think UA’s high percentage of OOS students makes for a positive social and intellectual mix. I have spent considerable time in both states and am familiar with both Tuscaloosa and Columbus. Many similarities in that regard. It might just come down to Skyline Chili versus Dreamland bar b que!!</p>

<p>Truthfully, this is a wonderful dilemma for you. Congratulations on your achievements to earn scholarships at 2 fine universities. You really can’t go wrong!</p>

<p>Dreamland wins hands down. Even the greatest chili is no comparison to Dreamlands pulled pork with their sauce.</p>

<p>Many from my DS school in NY are attending OSU, just another reason my son wanted Bama. He just loves thinking outside the box. Many kids automatically just look at the Northern schools for no other reason than the south is an area that they arent familiar with.</p>

<p>Malanai hit the nail on the head for why my son being raised in far northern Illinois, or as my husband calls it Baja Wisconsin, is headed back south for school…no more snow. And Spacecoastmom makes a couple of great points…1. the high number of OSS students at Bama makes for a great mix. 2. What a great “problem” to have, two great choices…best of luck on your decision DustinG!</p>

There are alot of New Yorkers, Connecticut and New Jersey students heading down to Bama next fall. PM me and I will connect you with my son who in turn will connect you with his network of friends from our area heading to UA.</p>

<p>Lots of flights to Birmingham from our area. Three different airlines.</p>

<p>Same here Dustin, my S is very happily looking forward to Bama. We explored it originally due to the fine merit scholarship, but he chose it because of many other attributes that only became really clear during and shortly after his visit.</p>