Alabama vs UGA

<p>So I’ve already been accepted to both the University of Alabama and the Honor’s college and still waiting on the University of Georgia, and I have a question. So ideally I want to attend UGA as all the rankings in my major are higher and I feel it is a better fit for me, but one of my best friends from high school goes to UA and has been recruiting me since we graduated (I’m a CC transfer) and I don’t know what to do, he’s making it sound so amazing. I want to major in Finance but also still want to work in NYC, because I’m originally from a North Jersey Suburb and love where I live. So which school gives me the best chance of doing so? I have visited both schools, and loved them both so basically this is one of the last deciding factors. Please help!</p>

<p>What did you like about each school?</p>

<p>Why do you think UGa is a “better fit”? </p>

<p>Are you instate for UGa? </p>

<p>What are your parents saying about paying for either school?</p>

<p>Firefighter, congrats on your UA Honors College acceptance. From everything I have observed in my son’s experience so far in his business classes (he is freshman in the STEM/MBA program) I have a hard time envisioning a better situation for you than to come in via the Honors College and studying in UA’s business school. But I second the questions that M2CK has posted; if you are instate for UGA that might shift the balance. Otherwise, come on down to Tuscaloosa!</p>