<p>Im interested in attending the All Academy Ball in Dec. My plebe son however is not as excited. Do many of the mid's attend since it is over the break? It sounds like a great time.</p>
<p>Yeah, We wanted to go as well. Our Plebe said he was going to attend the Academy Ball instead at Kings Point. You can lead a horse to water…</p>
<p>We went to the All Academy Ball last year in St. Louis with our M/N and his date. We had a great time. He was the only representative from KP (only one Coastie also), so he got to sing the school song solo. More guts than I have. The kids from the other academies had tons of questions for him and everyone was great. We would like to go this year but he’s at sea now (approaching Yokohama today). Unfortunately, he will also be at sea next year.</p>
<p>Don’t force it, they will let you know. Mostly older mids and cadets seem to attend.</p>
<p>Our son wanted to go to the Mid-Atlantic one last year (his plebe year) and is glad he did, the whole family went and had a great time. He won’t be able to go again until his Senior year because of Sea Split, so you may want to mention that to your plebe son.</p>
<p>Thanks for the info, we will relay it to our Plebe.</p>
<p>Oh my! You are TriState Mids? You should really encourage your Plebes to go and you should go as well!! It really is an experience of a lifetime. Held at the Union League in Philadelphia, the entire evening is top notch. Please PM me and I’ll elaborate…</p>
<p>Most of the mids I know would attend the all academy balls. They are usually a fun time and a time to get to know some of the other cadets/midshipmen in the area.</p>
<p>Thanks for everyone’s input. One more question. What do the mid’s wear to the ball? Is there a formal uniform that they wear for these types of events?</p>
<p>They wear their SDB. He will know what to wear :)</p>
<p>In the past it has usually been Service Dress Blues with bowtie and miniature devices. Some states will wear something different (I have seen Mess Dress Top with white pants and other variations before); however, the mids will somehow know. I forget how the info gets passed to them, but somehow they all usually show up looking the same.</p>
<p>Georgia All Academy Ball is Monday, December 29 at the Grand Hyatt Atlanta Hotel in Buckhead. Very cool event.</p>
<p>Does anyone know what the Metro (Long Island) one is like? I have been thinking about attending. Is it more of a Dinner or Dance? Is it more of a hob nob with Senators and Congressmen? Pitching in the dark here.</p>
<p>Our son had a blast at the KP ball Saturday night. We are now planning on attending the All Academy ball.</p>
<p>These All Academy Ball’s, I assume each one is different. My plebe got invite from St Louis and Chicago. We are members of our parent Association, his St Louis invite said no charge, the Chicago one said $60 to the plebe. How are the rest of these balls around the country. He and fellow plebe and dates are looking forward to a great time.</p>
<p>The All Academy Ball in Kansas City is hosted by the WP parents assoc. and asked for $35.00/attendee with Midshipmen/Cadets free. It is December 27th at the Marriott Downtown.</p>
<p>The Mid-Atlantic JSAB is being jointly hosted by us and the Air Force Academy. We are charging $60 per guest (including Midshipmen). I think most Parent Associations don’t have the funds to pay for their Mids. We use the money to send boodle bags and host pizza parties at KP for them during the trimesters.</p>
<p>Will be held in Lansing, Michigan on the 27th at a cost of $50.00 per person. RSVP with payment by 17th. </p>
<p>If you need further information send me a message.</p>