All-expense-paid overnight campus visit at Washington & Lee University

<p>Did anyone else recieve an email about an all-expense-paid overnight campus visit at W&L? Is this a good sign, or does everyone recieve this?</p>

<p>yes, my D got an email inviting her to visit Mar 12 -14, all-expense including air from California. I don’t know if that means she was accepted or just likely to be accepted.</p>

<p>Top notch colleges like W&L are trying to boost their yields. An enticing visit before the letters arrive April 1 allows the real persuasion to begin. Thus, colleges can gauge a student’s true passion for a particular school and/or amp up the intensity of the sales pitch.</p>

<p>thanks for the input. Do you think that all applicants get this opportunity or only the ones which W&L are interested in?</p>

<p>Wow - that’s really nice, and I’m sure it’s a very select few who are offered the visit! Did either of you (Blake or trueblue’s D) apply for the Johnson Scholarship? Have you visited already or otherwise expressed keen interest? I’m really curious how they pick who to entice with this offer. Congrats!</p>

<p>I too received an invitation. I was also invited to the one in January which was specifically for multicultural students, however I couldn’t attend. I am hoping to attend this one though.</p>

<p>I did not apply for the Johnson Scholarship and have not been to the campus before so have no clue how i got it. maybe its sports related</p>