<p>So I went to check my status today on Cornell's website, and all the checklists saying what I have in are gone. The only thing that is there is my contact information, major information, and the notice that my information has been sent to the admissions staff for review. </p>
<p>Anyone else have this happen? As of last night, all my stuff was in, so I hope this is normal and not a bad sign!</p>
<p>same here. They may have finished processing these applications, but they definitely already started evaluating applications too. This is just so scary... 20 days</p>
<p>i called cornell just a second ago, and the lady said to immediately report this with the troubleshooting feedback form. Apparently, it's never happened before...</p>
<p>and also, they're not done processing apps yet. they'll start emailing about missing stuff next week.</p>
<p>Yeah, it's really scary to think that someone has already made the decision about the rest of your life. Well, not THAT extreme, but close!</p>
<p>Doesn't each college individually examine applications? I applied to CALS; maybe there is some pattern as to which accounts checklists are disappearing.</p>
<p>Well I applied to ILR. This is so strange. Right away I though that that means you either got rejected or accepted. But who know knows that might be it?</p>
<p>Thank god for CC.
If I didn't have this site, I'd get so freaked out and think this was some bizarre isolated incident.
I applied to CAS...so are all the CAS accounts down too?</p>
<p>hehe, idk. i just called a second ago too. I explained my situation (missing 1 rec) and you want to know what the lady told me? NOT to worry about it. Send it again if I WANT TO. the conversation did not go anywhere, and I called the college I'm applying to after this, the person told me i could fax it over, but they are evaluating it right now. I asked about my Nov. SAT grade; he said they haven't received them, but when received, they will be updated.</p>
<p>I am very scared of them just looking through my app without ONE REQUIRED RECOMMENDATION LETTER. VERY SCARED. </p>
<p>plz... take me in... plz... don't let anything go wrong.......</p>
<p>I just called the admissions office and the lady told me that they are still processing the applications and the reason a lot of applications are being forwarded to the admissions staff for review with missing teacher recs is because they don't want to hold the entire application just because of that one rec letter that is still being processed. So those missing recs will be processed soon or Cornell will notify anyone who is missing any materials.</p>
<p>wait...waht does the missing checklist mean though? should we be reportin to troubleshooting, calling them? before, both my recs were still missing...thanks!</p>