All-time Favorite pokemon version?

<p>red was the best hands down</p>

<p>never played.</p>

<p><em>gasp</em> at gererallyrong</p>

<p>generallyrong there is something incredibly messed up about your childhood.</p>


ME TOO! well I already graduated. But before that, there were gameboy pokemon matches going on and whatnot in class.</p>

<p>same at my school </p>

<p>honestly if i had my gameboy i would play it all the time</p>

<p>you’re the second person this week that has told me that.</p>

<p>i laugh.</p>

<p>(i spent my childhood drawing my own pocket monsters. they sucked.)</p>

<p>2 > 4 >>> 1 >>>>> 3</p>

<p>The only reason to like the first gen is because of nostalgia</p>

<p>This is a tough one… I’d have to say Gold and Silver, because it’s the only generation (as far as I know) where you could do 16 badges. I hope they make an enhanced remake of Gold and Silver.</p>

<p>They are remaking Gold and Silver for the DS. Soul Silver and Heart Gold. I loved the 2nd gen. Silver and Crystal were the best games. Things started going a little downhill after that. Plus I think that most of us started to lose interest in the show / cards / games as we got older. I still have at least one game from each gen though. Mabye I’ll even pick up Soul Silver when it comes out. Good times. :)</p>

<p>Either silver or yellow. Never played Gold, or anything past that =/</p>

<p>1st or 2nd gen. good times with yellow and silver</p>

<p>Whatever generation the Gold/Silver remakes are in. Even if they haven’t come out yet, Silver was my favorite game and it’s pretty much guaranteed that the remake will be better than the original, putting nostalgia aside of course.</p>

<p>Wow, I thought I was the only one who played these games back in the day…</p>

<p>2nd generation is hands down the best (Crystal in particular)
1st generation is good for a dose of nostalgia
3rd generation was alright but I started to lose track of all the pokemon
4th generation = Bleh, just overkill.</p>

<p>meadow, i like 3rd gen as well. personally, i think that’s where pokemon hit its creativity limit</p>

<p>graphics are uber cool though, especially for a console game.</p>

<li>for third gen… you get nothing for completing the pokedex. Well you get that certificate that you can’t actually print because almost nobody would carry around a pokemon printer.</li>


<p>Diamond really sucks. I bought it a couple of years ago and haven’t finished it yet.</p>

<p>You guys really need to try FireRed and LeafGreen. They have the retro aspect of Red and Blue with a few new tricks. They are truly the bomb.</p>

<p>I know a bunch of Pokemon aficionados like all of you will truly be able to appreciate this revolutionary experience.</p>


They are remaking Gold and Silver for the DS. Soul Silver and Heart Gold. I loved the 2nd gen. Silver and Crystal were the best games. Things started going a little downhill after that. Plus I think that most of us started to lose interest in the show / cards / games as we got older. I still have at least one game from each gen though. Mabye I’ll even pick up Soul Silver when it comes out. Good times.


<p>I was thinking of getting Soul Silver as well!</p>

<p>The last pkmn game I played was Sapphire from 3rd generation. The berries, the different weather, and the new pokemon were my favorite parts. After 3rd, I think there were too many new pokemon.</p>

<p>Favorite was 2nd generation because it was almost like playing 1st generation again when revisiting Johto at the end, like 2 games in 1. And because of the day/night addition and how different pokemon showed up at different times. Kept me playing past my bedtime!</p>

<p>Blue + Silver <3</p>

<p>New Silver and Gold huh? I might have to splurge. After a long school day I always feel the need to melt my brain.</p>


I’ve played both, and it’s honestly nothing more than better graphics and a couple ideas that Ruby/Sapphire already clinched into.</p>

<p>It’s a good game, but IMO just doesn’t cut it compared to the 2nd generation.</p>