All you ED applicants....

<p>1) What are you doing to distract yourself during the wait?</p>

<p>2) What is your if-I-get-rejected plan? (Like, how to cheer yourself up)</p>

<li>Re-reading Harry Potter for the first time in a while, aaaaand I’m bringing back my 4th grade origami obsession during my useless classes. </li>
<li>I’m trying to have my hopes set at zero, but that will probably only prepare me. If I get rejected… I don’t know. Fill out more applications? That’ll be fun! er no.</li>

<p>1) I’m rereading Harry Potter too, runningcircles! I’m also trying to finish up all of my RD applications to prepare for rejection, pouring my efforts into my ECs (which are pretty time consuming at the moment), and doing a really thorough job on my homework to consume time.
2) No idea yet. I’m preparing myself for rejection (that way I’ll be prepared if I get rejected and thrilled if I actually get in), but I can’t really imagine how I’m actually going to feel. Fortunately that’s a really busy week for me, so if I’m disappointed I’ll have something to distract me and keep me busy. Plus I’ll need to proofread/submit my RD apps…</p>

<p>1) Doing my RD apps and working very hard on them, because the college I did ED to is a huge reach for me. </p>

<p>2) I’m already prepared for rejection, so it will be no surprise. It will probably still be slightly depressing though.</p>

<p>1) Revising early essays and realizing how much they suck (sort of a problem!)
Therapy a la College Confidential
Applying to low reach/match schools for RD
Trying not to fail Chemistry (pretty darn close to it)
2) Yeah I’m positive I will not get in. My cheer myself up plan is to… oh wait I don’t have one. I’m really not a very optimistic person.</p>

<li>just doing UC apps. going to do RD stuff if i get rejected ed.</li>
<li>none. uh oh…</li>

<p>1) Freaking out, so really nothing lol.</p>

<p>2) I’m pretty sure I’m either getting deferred or rejected by my ED (and probably my EA as well) so it will suck regardless but whatever.</p>

<p>1) Internet: college Confidential, Youtube, etc. Otherwise I have nothing to distract myself from the wait.</p>

<p>2) I’m pretty sure I’m either gonna get rejected or deferred. Deferred would suck because I’d have to try extra hard to get good grades, plus I wouldn’t know whther I’d get in until March-April. I’m gonna work on two more reach applciations and a match.</p>

<p>1) Reading a lot about traditional Chinese medicine (I go for acupuncture to help my migraines and it’s really fascinating) and playing guitar.</p>

<p>2) I’d be upset for a little while, but fortunately I know I would be very happy at any of my choices. So just grieve and move on is my plan, I guess.</p>

<p>1) Shopping. A lot. Stalking the NU website as well as CC. Refraining myself from looking up “Freshman Survival Guide” on North by Northwestern (sometimes I find myself reading “what to bring to NU your freshman year” without realizing it)</p>

<p>2) I’m going to Disney for winter break…so I’m probably going to have a soul pouring heart-to-heart with Mickey Mouse. Hopefully he’d feel bad enough to buy me some ice-cream. Nothing cheers you up more than ice-cream, especially if it’s free and even more so if it’s from Mickey himself. Something about that happy mouse just makes everything all the more special xD</p>

<p>1) Play guitar (acoustic) for hours and hours :slight_smile: you guys know kotaro oshio?</p>

<p>2) im gonna cry if i dont get in T-T</p>

<li>Reading! I haven’t gotten to really read books since the summer. Also, the internet, Sims 2, playing music… I guess finishing up RD applications but most of mine are done already so that’s not what I’m ultra-focused on.</li>
<li>I’m expecting deferral or rejection, so I’ll probably just be like, “oh well, no surprise there.” The REAL question is, what will I do if I get in… :)</li>

<p>1) CC, posting a chance thread for self-validation to calm my nerves a little, playing games. I’ll be devastated if I don’t get in at WashU. I really want to go there.</p>

<p>2) I’ll realize that my chances of getting in at WashU are very small if I’m not accepted ED, so I’ll start filling out apps to other schools. If one thing hurts me in the admission process at WUSTL it’ll be my essay. Now that I’m revising it I realize that it was never that good in the first place. I’ll realize that although WUSTL was my first choice, there are other schools I’d be happy at, and that there still is hope.</p>

<p>ha, mistofthekane pretty much the same. Chemistry is so damn hard I’ve never been this challenged before in my life. Yeah my essays kinda sucked too, and I’m not optimistic either :(</p>

<p>1) I have been relaxing a lot and going to the gym to work off extra-steam.
2) If I don’t get in, I will just laugh and move on…because that is what I do. I figure there is a school for everyone (at least one or two that you could fit in at).</p>

<li>Homework. I don’t really have to distract myself because I have so much stuff to do.</li>
<li>Wait to see which schools don’t reject me.</li>

<p>1) Writing all my other essays, going out with friends, and watching Sex and the City nonstop.</p>

<p>2) That’s a good question, I’ll send out all my other apps, and then I’m going to a play with my friends that weekend, and I’ll go Xmas shopping and be sure to buy myself a present!</p>

<p>^ Speaking of homework, I should probably get on that. Coming to this silly site is just another way for me to procrastinate.</p>

<p>1) What are you doing to distract yourself during the wait?</p>

<p>getting cozy with some ladeez</p>

<p>2) What is your if-I-get-rejected plan? (Like, how to cheer yourself up)</p>

<p>get cozy with some more ladeez</p>

<p>1) To be honest, my usual life has been consuming most of the moments I’d be thinking about my admissions decision. It’s only been because it’s this break that I’ve started thinking about it, and to make myself feel better I’ve been researching different colleges I might like and working on RD applications. Oh, and reading and listening to inordinate amounts of music. And CC. Damn.</p>

<p>2) I have an RD first choice, actually, and it’s more of a match than reach, so I’m looking forward to apply there if I don’t get in. I really hope I am accepted, though. I’m not sure how I’m going to deal with a deferment. I’ll treat it as another form of rejection, I suppose, and come April not think about a possible pleasant surprise.</p>