Almost completed Furman Fitness center

<p>Will be done in April, but you can check out the completed areas. Click on renovation photos on the left</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Thanks for sharing this. The fitness center wasn’t on any of the campus tours we took. I’m glad to know they have such a nice facility.</p>

<p>It wasnt very nice before the renovations that’s why they never showed it on the tour. </p>

<p>It will be very nice now … and probably will be in the tour or at least mentioned to go see</p>

<p>Do you have any experience with club and/or intramural sports? Our daughter will attend Furman in the fall. She’s very athletic and plays 3 varsity sports. I think she is going to find it harder than she expects to give up the team sports experience cold turkey.</p>

<p>Furman has very good intramurals. What sports did she play? If she played 3 I would imagine, basketball, softball, track and field, soccer or vollyball. All except tracka and field have intramurals. If she can run, I would have her go out for the track team.</p>

<p>She will probably try to be in a sorority and they have good sports also</p>

<p>My D is also a 3 sport varsity athlete , soccer , basketball and track. Wherever she goes , she will play club and may try to walk on for soccer , her best sport!</p>

<p>George2007 - Her sports are soccer, basketball and softball. She’ll probably want to play club soccer and intramural basketball. Sorority sports sound good too - is rush during first or second semester?</p>

<p>Rush is during the second semester - January</p>