Already assigned a room and roommate?

Has anyone else already been assigned a room and a roommate?! My daughter finished her housing application and turned in her deposit in early August. She filled in her preferences a long time ago but found out in April she was accepted into the Jefferson Scholars LLC. She found a roommate on the Facebook 2023 page and both her and her future roommate requested and accepted each other through the housing portal. Her roommate was also accepted into the Jefferson Scholar’s program and the LLC. Room selection is not supposed to happen until June and my daughter has not received that email yet telling her when her time slot is. In the housing portal it shows her in a specific room already with a random roommate assignment. Does anyone know what this is about? We’ve emailed housing and have not heard back. We’re hoping she can do whatever “room swap” is and get into a room in the LLC with her chosen roommate. Any ideas what has happened and why she was already assigned to a specific room and roommate?

It’s likely because your daughter accepted the LLC. Because of this, Housing knew she is going to live in Moore Hill and she had an accepted roommate, so it was probably easier to go ahead and assign the room, because your daughter didn’t have multiple precede for them to sift through. I don’t know why the room assignment came with no input from the girls, but Moore Hill (to my limited knowledge) is a small residence hall for both men and women, so the available rooms with their bathroom preferences for women might have been slim. I hope this helps!

Well they were both assigned to different rooms and different roommates so I have no idea. It says they have accepted each other as roommates on both of their housing portals. I was kinda hoping it had happened to someone else besides them and it was just a computer error. Thanks for your help!