<p>Basically I am a film major trying to get into Tisch. I am very confident in the other portions of the supplement but I never liked writing poetry. The haiku is just an afterthought, it is probably terrible. If these are not good, what direction should I take? Shall I change the rhyme scheme, write more about film and my interests? (I do often consider life as a subject of thought so I feel it represents me)</p>
<p>The eager chap tried to reckon the friendliness of life.
A quiet job, suburban house, a lovely wife?</p>
<p>He shivered a bit and considered a diabolical possibility.
A world plagued by anger, violence, and hostility? </p>
<p>The fellow paused for one last consideration.
Perhaps it’s all just some balanced combination.</p>
<p>His Birth we fade In
Life a plot unforeseen<br>
Death the credits roll</p>