<p>Losing weight while keeping up your energy can be done by eating high energy bars for a breakfast or lunch (or both) while also drinking plenty of water (at least 3-16.9 ounce bottles a day) and getting fruit in the morning, a salad at lunch (with just a light salad dressing), and a low-fat or nonfat yogurt snack in the afternoon. Then east a low-calorie dinner (290 to 350 calories is best) regular (meat or fish, vegetables, and some rice or beans) meal, and have a 140 calorie to 170 calorie dessert. Note: If you have an energy bar for breakfast, get some tuna or something for lunch, if you have an energy bar for lunch, eat an egg and a grapefruit for breakfast. Having coffee for breakfast is okay, but only if you use non-sugar sweeteners (equal or other diet sweetner) and lowfat (or preferably nonfat milk). In fact, you should have no full fat milk ever–it is terrible for you. It takes time to switch to lowfat and then nonfat, but once you do, you’ll never need to go back. Full fat milk and cheeses are also considered to be a major cause of acne in teenagers, anyway. (Also, buy some nonfat cheese slices as snacks, in addition to what I’ll list below–but only eat one to two a day, tops.)</p>
<p>If you need to snack after dinner, get nonfat jellos and low-fat popcicles and cottage cheese. Eat popcorn once a week at night as a treat that has no butter at all on it. Stay away from breads, crackers, cookies (except nonfat ones), potato chips, and tortilla chips–these will all do you in–especially if you have these right before sleeping at night. If you have any of these in your house or apartment, take them to the trash can and dump them right now. These is how you will avoid the temptation to cheat later.</p>
<p>This may sound weird, but it is basically the type of diet used by groups like Nutrasystems and Jenny Craig, although they make you use their food. You can do the same thing, though, simply by substituting low-calorie healthy TV dinners available at any store, or packing yourself a simple lunch, with lowfat meats and vegetables you buy yourself.</p>
<p>NOW–HERE’S THE REALLY IMPORTANT PART: Be sure that when you get the energy bars you buy the ones that have at least 10 to 11 grams of protein, while having only 2.5 to 6 grams of fat. Most of these have 140 to 170 calories each. Don’t buy the normal “protein bars” you see in the store that have only 1 or 2 grams of protein, and advertise low fat (usually 1/2 to one gram of fat.) Most of these are 90 to 120 calories–but you will feel tired all the time–because you are getting no protein. Usually, the good ones are found in the nutritional aisle of the grocery store, not in the “cracker/protein bar aisle”–which is just more “junk food”. Consider eating one of these right before going into a midterm or final exam–it keeps you alert (and also having one the night before when studying).</p>
<p>P.S. I lost 27 lbs on a diet like this in about 4 months–and have kept most of it off for about six months (although I did “slide” a bit and cheat a lot and started eating junk food and brownies about a month ago–and put on 5 lbs, which I then had to diet back off). I currently weight 175 and at 5’ 10" I am in better shape than I have been for a long time (like about 3 years).</p>
<p>Use the following fat-index calculator to figure out what your weight should be:</p>
<p><a href=“nhlbisupport.com”>nhlbisupport.com;