<p>2370 SAT (800Math 800CR 770Wr)
3.93 Weighted 3.4 ish unweighted....this sucks I know
US history 800
Math IIc 800
Physics (took in October....should be above 750)
Class Rank: Just missed top 10%, in actuality top 11-12% out of 400
Race:African American
Very competitive public (aka 90+% to 4 yr colleges 50% Jewish 25% Asian lol and I went to Jian Li's school...ironic eh?)
Junior yr sched 5 AP's
Senior yr sched 4 AP's (3 math/sci+ap eng)
NMSF and Natl Achievement SF and AP scholar with Honor</p>
<p>Quiz Bowl Team member-highly ranked team that always goes to nationals (2 years)
Organization of Student Tutors (2 years I put a lot of time into this)
Italian NHS (VP now Pres next yr)
Habitat for Humanity (3 yrs)
Chess Team (4 yrs)
NHS (starting this yr)
Orchestra (3 yrs)
Copious Volunteering- Started in Middle School Really
Past summer performed research on producing bioethanol Also SAT Tutored on the side privately</p>
<p>Prospective major: Chemical Engineering</p>
<p>Teacher Recs: I'm getting one from my Italian teacher of 3 years who also coaches Quiz Bowl and another from my Physics teacher who I had this past year and will have next year. I expect the first to be quite strong and the second to be decent.</p>
<p>Essays: I think they are pretty good and I really think I let my personality show in my Stanford Supplements</p>
<p>Prospective colleges:</p>
<p>STANFORD SCEA-Almost done with application, already submitted transcripts and stuff, if you can't chance me for others please chance me for this</p>
UPenn Jerome Fisher/Wharton
Carnegie Mellon
Stevens Institute of Technology</p>
<p>Barring something ridiculous like a criminal record or multiple suspensions, you're probably in everywhere. That SAT + URM status will carry you into any college you want to go to.</p>
<p>Ok I see. The only thing that could possibly bring you down is your GPA (what is your class rank?) and this is partially nullified by the fact that you are from an excellent high school. I still think your near-perfect SATs will carry you through though.</p>
<p>Jian Li? Is he that guy who was whining about being rejected by nearly every top university but Yale?</p>
<p>2370 Af-Am from a competitive HS, beastly test scores and ECs, everything good.. w/ good teacher recs and essays, you're in!! No worries man. I know a kid like you at my school, I'm expecting a lot of successes for him college-wise as well.</p>