i told myself i wouldn't.. but i cant resist

<p>going to be a senior this fall
asian girl from competitive jersey school</p>

<p>GPA: UW 3.96 W 4.6something
SAT: superscore M: 780 V: 770 W: 800 Total: 2350 (single sitting 2330)
Courseload: most rigorous, 9 APs by end of senior year
SAT II's: Bio 780, Chem 790, Math 2C 790
AP scores (i know they don't really matter but oh well): Lang 4, USHistory 4, Chem 5, Bio 5</p>

<p>EC's (a bit weak):
Science Olympiad: one regions, 3 states, 2 national medals (1 year, not including team medals)
Science Bowl one year, 4th in regions
Science League 3 years
National Honors Society Zenith Chapter (senior year)
Cognetics Silver Satori
Field Hockey 2 years
Violin - I'm in a self-run quartet, we do various paid gigs and volunteer services. I've also been in the school orchestra for 3 years (does lots of fundraising stuff) and I have taught violin for two years.
Internship at Rutgers University through Liberty Science Center
Will attend Columbia SHP in the fall
And I can't forget the loads of random volunteer hours from hospitals/animal shelters/nursing homes/etc.</p>

Recs will probably be fine
First gen
Accepted into gov school, but turned it down for the internship
Taken a college philosophy credit course at rutgers (counts for credit)
Received a small chemistry scholarship for 'interest in chemistry'
Self studying physics this summer to move on to AP
I'm pretty sure I'll be a national merit semifinalist (225), but I guess that doesn't matter when you're applying to schools where all the applicants are just amazing ;)</p>

<p>prospective colleges:
Caltech (EA)
Columbia Fu
Wash U</p>

<p>any input would be appreciated... please? :)</p>

<p>ah i forgot, i'm going to be treasurer of science club next year. bump, anyone?</p>

<p>national medals, great SATs, great GPA will do wonders for you. Keep up the good work!</p>

<p>MIT (EA) - match/slight reach
Caltech (EA) - match/slight reach
Olin - safety
CMU - safety
Columbia Fu - match/slight reach
Cornell - match/slight reach
Stanford - match/slight reach
Wash U -match</p>

bump, anyone else?</p>

<p>Looks good, but I wouldn't count Olin as a "safety school."</p>

<p>I'd call Cornell a match. You're more than qualified.
Wash U may reject you (unless you apply ED) because they might get the idea that you're aiming higher. They are rumored to protect their yield aggressively.</p>