Am I a good fit for CC?

Hi all,

I am a first-year undergraduate student looking to transfer for personal reasons you can read about here ( I have a few questions about Colorado College and I was hoping some students/alums/parents could fill me in.

  1. How LGBT-friendly is the college? If I came out, would students be accepting? Can I obtain gender-neutral housing?

  2. How good is the financial aid?

  3. What is the neuroscience program like? I know they have a Neuro major (which is a plus), but what do people “on the inside” think of it?

  4. Lastly, what are the disability services like at CC? I had no trouble transferring my learning disability accommodations from my high school to my current institution - is CC a supportive environment for people like that?

  5. How is the campus vibe? Is it laid-back, high-stress, preppy, hippie, or something else? What kind of students does Colorado usually attract?

  6. Is drinking/drugs a problem on campus?

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

  • deepseafish

I’m no expert, but I’ll try to give you some info, especially since this forum is SO quiet! I am the parent of both a cc grad and a current cc student. From everything I’ve heard, I believe CC is very LGBT-friendly. In fact, it looks like they’ve recently updated their health insurance to provide better coverage for transgender students and staff:

Regarding housing: CC has several Living Learning Communities. The CrossROADS community might appeal to you:

Additionally, there many single-student rooms in the dorms and small houses. I know that most, if not all, residential options have some “one-person” restrooms (sink, toilet, shower) and most bathrooms in the dorms are used by both sexes. Even though they have signs posted for men/women, the students seem to share all the bathrooms (this was a bit difficult to get used to, as a parent).

Lastly, my D is a 3rd-year neuro major and loves it! She can’t say enough good things about her profs and the department. She has done research with the department and landed a very good out-of-state internship last summer.

Hope this helps!