Am I Afrocuban?

My entire life I have known myself to be Cuban. My dad is from Cuba and it is a deep heritage in my family. I have been thinking about it recently and my dad is fairly dark skinned and my last name in spanish translates roughly to dark skinned. Cuba has a prominent Afrocuban community. Would this lead to any evidence that I have African roots along with my Hispanic roots? I’m sure it wouldn’t really help in college admissions, but it would be interesting to know. Thanks

National Geographic has a product called Genographics and you can get your DNA tested to see what part ofthe workd your ancestors came from.

Doesn’t your dad know if he has African heritage?

Cuba is a multi-ethnic country. It’s fair to say that most Cubans have some African heritage. So most Cubans are what we would call “mixed”. Here’s the wikipedia article on it:
It’s a good place to start if you want to start learning about your ethnicity. You should do more substantial research with more credible sources if you really care about your heritage.