<p>Hello, I'm a high school senior planning on majoring in computer science and I'm wondering what the best school I can get into is. I'm also an African-American, a first generation college student, and a semifinalist for the National Achievement Scholarship if that helps any. I want to be a part of the best computer science program I can, and my first choice is Carnegie Mellon University, which is about 20 miles away from my residence. I'm not sure how I stack up though and I'm worried that this may be a reach, so a bit of help on setting my sights would be appreciated. </p>
<p>I think I may have dropped the ball when it comes to my GPA as I know I could have done better. Weighted it is 3.749 and non-weighted it is 3.611. Out of two attempts, my best SAT score is a 2010, but I don't think my math score is going to cut it for a great computer science program, with only a 640 both times. I'm planning to take the SAT II for Physics and Math Level 2, so perhaps that can compensate?</p>
<p>The notable classes on my transcript look like this-</p>
<p>9th Grade:
Algebra 2 - A
Biology - A
Composition - B
Spanish 1 - A
US History - B</p>
<p>10th Grade:
Accelerated Chemistry - A
Geometry - B
Honors World Literature - B
Spanish 2 - B
World Cultures - B</p>
<p>11th Grade:
AP Language and Composition - A
Honors Physics - B
Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus - A
Spanish 3 - A
US History 2 - B</p>
<p>12th Grade:
AP Calculus
AP Literature and Composition
Spanish 4
<p>I'm not super high in my class ranking, my extracurriculars are a bit sub-par (all I can think of are football, track, paid employment, and student government), and I neglected to take a science class this year despite their being additional classes available in the three natural sciences. All in all I'm not convinced I look as impressive as I need to. Do I have any good chance at CMU or should I label that as a reach? What would be the next best computer science school that I could get into? I just need to know if I should lower my sights a bit and where I should lower them to. Thank you for reading and replying.</p>